Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota

UND Tower - 2012 / Roosevelt & Terminator

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--- Quote from: Kinderchick on June 28, 2012, 15:21 ---Interesting. It's happening more and more now, so that the birds can be tracked. 8)

--- End quote ---

From what you posted I am assuming you think they mean a new type of satelite tracking or maybe they are just the regular numbered and coloured bands.  I don't see anywhere in the article where satelite transmitters were mentioned.  

Thanks for the info Dupre!  Now I definitely want to go check them out on Sunday.  Just wish I had a better camera...  :-\

Interesting. It's happening more and more now, so that the birds can be tracked. 8)

Here's another little blurb with a photo:

Three chicks for Rossevelt and Terminator....
Tracy, is this going to move the the Manitoba section?

Here is the text:

Raptor researchers band peregrine falcon chicks at UND

Students and biology faculty from the University of North Dakota and the University of Minnesota-Crookston took part in a rare scientific opportunity Wednesday, June 13, 2012, analyzing and banding three peregrine falcon chicks that recently hatched at the tall UND water tower.

The raptor researchers, led by UMC's Tim Driscoll of the Urban Raptor Research Project, monitored the chicks' health and drew blood samples that could be used to check for avian diseases. The researcher use special types of metal bands attached to a leg on each falcon to keep track of them. Driscoll said.

Susan Felege, assistant professor of biology at UND, also was present to lend support and expertise to the project. Apart from raptor research, Felege also is involved in another interesting project in the North Dakota oil patch, where she is studying environmental impacts on nesting and mating habits of sharp-tailed grouse.

On June 13, Driscoll, Felege and several others watched as the peregreine nestlings were carefully lowered down the more than 100-foot-tall water tower to the waiting ams of the researchers, all the while, the chicks' parents – Roosevelt and Terminator – circled worriedly overhead. Once finished, the researchers returned the falcons to their nest -- a bit frightened but unharmed.

Roosevelt and Terminator have been nesting at the tower since about 2009. The eggs were laid in April and hatched in late May. The mating pair has produced six other chicks.

Researchers say there is only one other mating pair of peregrine falcons in North Dakota. The other pair lives in Fargo. There are dozens throughout Minnesota.


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