Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota

UND Tower - 2012 / Roosevelt & Terminator

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Hmmm.  Is too bad they dont have a camera.......

I like Grand Forks.
I have cameras.
Maybe coordinators should talk.

Sadly I didn't get the chance to detour past the water tower and see how these guys are doing.  Hope they are OK.   :-*

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: RCF on June 29, 2012, 09:03 ---
--- Quote from: Kinderchick on June 28, 2012, 15:21 ---Interesting. It's happening more and more now, so that the birds can be tracked. 8)

--- End quote ---

From what you posted I am assuming you think they mean a new type of satelite tracking or maybe they are just the regular numbered and coloured bands.  I don't see anywhere in the article where satelite transmitters were mentioned.  

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Not satellite I believe, radio transmitters I think, so they have to be close to a find the signal .. but I'll see if I can't find out more ...


--- Quote from: dupre501 on June 29, 2012, 09:28 ---ANY pictures would be wonderful. When I first started taking pictures with my little point and shoot, the birds were mostly specs and blurs, but I still loved them because THERE was the falcon. I could prove that I had seen it with my very own eyes.

My husband recently encouraged me to upgrade a little. So I purchased the Nikon Coolpix with 26x zoom. I love it. I can see better with it than with my 10x binoculars!  I still get a lot of blurry shots, but I do get a few good ones.

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I also have a Nikon Coolpix P100 with 26x zoom, it's a great little camera and user friendly.  I used it at the Brandon banding yesterday to take video.  ;)

ANY pictures would be wonderful. When I first started taking pictures with my little point and shoot, the birds were mostly specs and blurs, but I still loved them because THERE was the falcon. I could prove that I had seen it with my very own eyes.

My husband recently encouraged me to upgrade a little. So I purchased the Nikon Coolpix with 26x zoom. I love it. I can see better with it than with my 10x binoculars!  I still get a lot of blurry shots, but I do get a few good ones.


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