Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota

UND Tower - 2012 / Roosevelt & Terminator

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That's great, Leana! Keep us posted. :)

I'm heading to Fargo for the weekend.  Hope to swing by the GF water tower on my way home to check in on these guys.  Not sure if they are old enough to be peeking out of the nest yet, but I'll check.

Here is another article:

Published May 29, 2012, 07:46 PM
By: Associated Press,

GRAND FORKS, N.D. (AP) — A pair of peregrine falcons appears to have once again hatched young in a nest atop the University of North Dakota water tower in Grand Forks.

The pair produced three youngsters each of the past three years in the nest.

Bird watcher Tim Driscoll tells the Grand Forks Herald ( ) that he has clear evidence that the falcons have hatched at least two young. He says the female stopped flying off the nest to feed about a week ago, and instead is receiving food from her mate.

Driscoll says he recently found egg shells below the tower.


Grand Forks’ peregrine falcons appear to have added to brood
Published 05/29/2012, INFORUM

GRAND FORKS - Roosevelt and Terminator appear to have added to their family once again, as Grand Forks birdwatcher Tim Driscoll reports “clear evidence” that the resident peregrine falcons have hatched at least two young.

To continue reading the full text, purchase this article or subscribe to PressPass

I didn't purchase the article, so I don't know what the rest says.

Wow! Very good that you saw one of the birds in Grand Forks from the ground, birdnut! I find it to be so exciting to visit a nestbox in another city! :D I have visited the Calgary and the Ottawa nestsites, when visiting friends.


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