Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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So I went for a little walk this afternoon to confirm my suspicions about where the West Winnipeg pair are hanging out.  :-X  And don't worry folks I didn't go near the buildings, wouldn't want to ruin a budding romance.  Now here is the funny part.  I realized when I got home that I can actually see the tops of these buildings from my back door.  ACK! They have been so close for years and I haven't managed to see them.   ::)  Until the leaves come out I will be keeping a distant eye out. 

there a heap load of pigeons here by the Hotel Fort Garry ...

So there is a possibility that Winnipeg could handle a couple more pairs of peregrines - one pair south terrritory and one pair in north/east territory - if there were enough food for all.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: Liz on April 12, 2009, 23:25 ---
--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on April 12, 2009, 22:42 ---Don't know exactly about the eastern boundary as the birds don't travel that way too often and there is no pair there to enforce the line.  But I do know where the western edge is ...  ;)

--- End quote ---
That would be the Nest in the West, as opposed to NEST ON THE WEST! 
I can't guess about the north and east, but any chance the southern limit has to do with Fort Whyte? 

--- End quote ---

Nope, southern limit has to do with the U of M territory.  T-Rex used to hold the U of M one when his Dad (Pop) held the Radisson territory.  Found them one day sitting near to each other on the Royal Bank at McGillivray and Pembina Highway.  Only time I saw them near one another after 1989 when T-Rex hatched.  In 1995 when Pop disappeared while Madame (his second mate) was incubating T-Rex turned up a day later and started feeding Madame and incubating her eggs.  It should be said that T-Rex and Madame were together (not nesting) for a year at the U of M before she moved into the Radisson territory when Maud died after collided with a high-tension wire - don't know whether that previous relationship was the reason Madame didn't abandon Pop's eggs and/or T-Rex adopted them but it is what happened.

Oh, and the U of M territory?  It hasn't been occupied since Trey left thought we do keep hoping.

Awesome story Tracy. Does Dennis every take videos of the birds, or just still shots?
I would have given a lot to have witnessed the situation you described. Not only are you a good writer, you fare quite well at teasing too. The old I know something you don't know senario ;D, chuckle chuckle.


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