Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Spectacular shots! Looking forward to seeing them all. Thank you.

Just opened...West Winnipeg Peregrine Gallery.
This is the link and just click on the Peregrines-West Winnipeg. This is a start and more photos to come.
Cheers !

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: msdolittle on April 13, 2009, 14:34 ---there a heap load of pigeons here by the Hotel Fort Garry ...
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Had a pair there one year, but they were too close to the Radisson and they lost their eggs.  They moved to Legislature the next year and it was still too close - they managed to raise chicks but it got a little hairy at times figuring out if everyone would fledge safely.  That was the year Trey was hatched from the nestledge and may explain why T-Rex and Madame used the nestledge that year - they wanted to be out of sight of the Legislature Birds.  Also had one on the St Boniface Basilica the following year - the female was T-Rex's first mate and she followed him downtown then hooked up with a young male from Brandon but the building was too low and it was exceedingly stressful for her as Madame used to buzz her location and the Basilica bells rang frequently (not just hourly) each day that summer.  She and Trey hung out there the next year but she was content to just roost as no courting/nesting behaviour/attempts were observed.  Basically, just too darn close and the Radisson pairs are the dominant pair in Winnipeg.

The Peregrine Chick:

--- Quote from: dupre501 on April 13, 2009, 12:48 ---So there is a possibility that Winnipeg could handle a couple more pairs of peregrines - one pair south terrritory and one pair in north/east territory - if there were enough food for all. 
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Not quite that easy, there are habitat requirements besides the amount of food.  Need to have the food they like/prefer in abundant supplies on their doorsteps, as you leave the downtown, that (pigeons) decreases.  As you go west, you still have the river but also the airport and water treatment plants.  Down south its pigeons supplemented heavily by seagull.  As you go north, there is nothing but Oak Hammock Marsh.  As you go east, you haven't really got anything.  And the peregrines will only nest a certain distance from a waterbody and in this City, that's either the Red River or the Assiniboine River.  The rest are too small.  And you have to have high buildings with suitable surrounding buildings/natural features for all the things a nesting peregrine needs.  Think of the Radisson, they hang out on the Sterling, Paris & Richardson Buildings in particular, they hunt over the exchange district and they cruise along the Red River for prey.  Not many other places in town that meet those needs AND appeal to peregrines.

If you can see them from your place, all you need is a good pair of binoculars and then you can enjoy them from the privacy of your home and no one would be the wiser ;D 


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