Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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Wow !!!
 where were you when I was naming my girls :) :)

And the maestro should take a bow - I'm in awe of your thought process TPC

Great explanation of our newly named West Winnipeg pair...  Ivy & Jules.

Hmmmm..I wonder what streams of consciousness or convoluted logic will come if Ivy & Jules have chicks to be named?    ;) & :-*

 :o - WOW TPC! - your creative process is fascinating! - Ivy & Jules- excellent!!  ;D

The Peregrine Chick:
Okay, I have decided (unilaterally) on a name for the female in West Winnipeg.  The name follows the usual convoluted logic that usually applies to names of our birds.

Female has a one ring band rather than the kind of bands we put on the chicks, its the kind of band I have only ever seen used by breeders or by falconers, so it could be that she decided she wanted the wide open skies more than she wanted guaranteed food and shelter.  In any case, unless we can get a very up-close (< 12 inches) look at her band
AND if the band has markings, we won't be able to tell who she is or when/where she came from. 

So, here is the stream of consciousness that named our newest female ...

... ring-band -- ring -- diamond ring - diamond - gem - gem is too cute name for carnivorous peregrine -- (back one step) -- diamond -- jewel -- jewel also too cute name a name for screaming, whacking, protective mama bird -- (back one step) -- diamond -- ruby -- emerald -- (way too cute names, back stepping again) -- diamond -- jewel (again) -- Jewel & Ivy -- (good rhythm) -- Ivy & Jewel -- (female bird has boat loads of personality from what I've seen so far, needs a good name) -- Jewel -- (still can't twitch when I type name) -- Jewel -- (spelling change like Trey and Ivy's names perhaps?) -- Jewel -- Julie -- (ack, 'nuff said) -- Jewel -- Jule -- (better) -- Ivy & Jule -- (not there yet, still too cute) -- Ivy & Jules -- (like that) ...  Jules & Ivy .. (works that way too) ...

Ladies, Gentlemen & Phanatics ... I am pleased to introduce our newest, hopefully soon to be nesting in West Winnipeg, peregrine pair ... Ivy and Jules.

And if we do manage to find out who she is/was in her previous life, we can give her a hyphenated name or she can be "Jules, the peregrine formerly known as <insert former incarnation's name here>".  Seems to me though that if she was a breeding or falconry bird, this may be a new life or the resumption of a previous life, both of which are deserving of a "new" name.


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