Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines
West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules
Way to spot pmg, you've just made alli's day a happy one. ;D :-*
I saw both Ivy and Jules sitting on the south sign today at around 1pm :)
Heya Allikat, specially for you. ;D
Saw your boy Ivy on the way in today. He was sitting on the south sign, looking very content and very much like Trey. Might go have a look round this weekend to see if I can find her. Will keep you updated. :-* B
Awwwweeeee :-*, thanks B!
I miss seeing Jules and Ivy....thanks for that update! And thanks for blowing a kiss at them for me! :)
Heya Alli, just a short note - I saw Jules around 10:30 today and Ivy around 12:30. I sent them a kiss for ya. ;D
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