Manitoba Peregrines > West Winnipeg Peregrines

West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules

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--- Quote from: maggieblue on May 14, 2009, 15:51 ---So, somewhere in West Winnipeg, I was doing errands and noticed a crow flying towards a high rise building ...

--- End quote ---

even more distracting had what I first read been correct.  I read "noticed a cow flying towards" ...   ::)

you guys did say it had been windy, though.

So, somewhere in West Winnipeg, I was doing errands and noticed a crow flying towards a high rise building (not the nestsite building) and then heard that distinctive kaking (sp?) sound.  I looked up in time to see a falcon launch from the top of the building and dive at the crow.  Another crow joined in and after some low flying aerial acrobatics over a road they all disappeared behind some trees.  A minute later the peregrine reappeared flying up to the top of the building and sitting where it could do a little preening in the afternoon sun. So, crows seen off, territory successfully defended.  A very good afternoon.  Don't know what the drivers thought though as this unfolded in front of them.  :o A bit of a driving distraction I would think. ;D ;D ;D

A few more photos have been added. Sorry to say that I'm starting to run low on new photos to post...perhaps this week-end.
Cheers !

The Peregrine Chick:
We are planning to visit Jules & Ivy on the weekend so can tell you how they are doing then.  From the ground all looks normal, but can't really tell until we get back onto the balcony.

And yes, Dennis will be there and we both will have cameras.  Can't guarantee spectacular photos but we will try!

As she said, they're in a covered place.  Don't stress!   :)


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