Is that the same sort of "MAGIC" as the Tooth Fairy?
The Egg Elf

And yes, I suspect tonight will be the night if it hasn't happened already. Neither Hurricane nor Brooklyn were in the nestbox last night but the night before, Hurricane turned up and spent most of the time (when she was visibile) standing in one place, next morning she was lying on her egg. AT 1956h this evening, Hurricane parked herself in the nestbox, standing, stiff-legged and eyes closed or mostly closed most of the time. She is standing in the scrape, sometimes egg 1 is beside her, sometimes between her feet, but mostly I think she is aware of the scrape and the rest is "labour" so to speak.
At the moment, all that is visible on the cam is a ghostly image of her head and breast - the white is glowing and making the outline of the rest of her head visible in the black inside the nestbox.