Another great morning with good friends. Rose and I met on the parkade roof and couldn't see too much from that angle so did our walkabout. Discovered our boy on the MTS tower, Hurricane on the Clock tower and one chick (twin) on the east side of the McKenzie Seeds annex. So we trekked to the north side of the building and found my golden girl, Luck, on the green ledge just having a rest.
Had to up onto the 8th street bridge to get a really good look at her and while there, Fate flew from the MTS tower to the base of the clock tower and Hurricane was displaced by him. Hurricane went up to the top of the tower and Fate just hung out there for a while squonkin' ! Guess he was hungry but Mum just ignored him so he flew down from there to the ledge where Luck was snoozing. Must be left overs up there cuz he looked like he was having a snack.
One of the twins got back up on the ledge of the annex and then Fate flew over there to hang out with her/them. It was getting pretty hot so we figured that the whole family would be laying low for a while. It's quite humid out there today.
We hung out there for a bit and found that Zeus was sitting on the MTS tower and we hadn't even noticed from the other angles that we looked from.
So, all in all, everyone seems quite content. Fate is doing very well with his flight. We assume that the other twin is hanging around on the roof of the annex but only saw three chicks that we know of. Could have been either or twin that was on the annex. So we are content that everyone is well.
will report more later.