Today is Earth Day and Dennis and I spent the day tending to our little charges ... at the Radisson that meant annoying the parents for about 10 minutes while we cleaned (what we assume is) Miss Hanky-Panky's blood off the outside-nestbox-cam. No way to do it but to put a cloth on a stick and wash it off. Princess was not pleased which means that Dennis got some amazing shots of her "not being amused" and Ivy was pretty quick to figure out where the attack was coming from and he was keeping his eye on us for as long as was necessary. We chose to do it later in the day today because the temperatures were to have been warmer than they had been (was suppose to be warmer than +14C however) and so that while we were ther, the eggs were be in the sun while Mum & Dad were otherwise occupied. So it looks like all cams are in good shape and are ready for testing.
Should have a "launch" date for the web cams Monday this week and will post it here.