Just spoke with Kinderchick who was on her way home...
LOL! I'm home now and thanks for posting my update, susha.

Spent about 3 hours downtown, met des a little after 7:00 AM. Also bumped into msdolittle and Pam on the street, on their way to work. We saw Cade on the top of what looks to be a large, rectangular metal box on top of the old Free Press Bldg. He seemed to disappear behind the box around 8:30 AM or so and we haven't seen him since. We think he's just tucked in somewhere as we did not see him fly off. At one point, it looked as if he and Bea were looking at each other.

When I left the downtown, shortly after 10:00 AM, 1 parent (maybe Princess?) was on the communications tower on top of the Radisson and the other parent (Ivy?) was on the Roger's Bldg., I think. It was getting pretty warm down on the street, so I can't even beggin to imagine how hot it must be, up where Bea is in the nestbox and Cade on the old Free Press Bldg.