Just got home about an hour ago. What an exciting but exhausting day. Returned to the downtown around 3:30 PM and met up with Saorise, Sami & Jazzerkins a short while later. We sat for awhile on the edge of a cement flower bed, across the street and down a bit from the MTS Centre, so as to have a good view of the nestbox. Chatting away, with binoculars in hand, we really didn't expect much to happen when unexpectedly, along came my step-son & grandson. What a treat it was to introduce them in person to a few of my Forum friends.

I really thought that that was going to be the biggest excitement of the afternoon/evening, when no sooner had they left, we looked up at the nestbox and Sami said something like "I think Cade just fledged!" We could hardly believe our eyes!

And off we were running, attempting to track the direction he was flying in. The chase was on! Of course, in no time, we lost track of him, but managed to follow him in the direction of the Air Canada Bldg.
After walking around and around several blocks, we decided to split up into pairs and went searching the skies from the vantage point of different parkades. From the parkades, it is amazing what one can see. Although we weren't able to spot Cade, we were able to locate a parent circling around over in the direction of an apartment block behind the old Free Press Bldg. So off we went again, in hot pursuit of our newest fledgling. Another hour of searching, left us tired and unable to locate him, although we were in touch with TPC and she was searching the tops of buildings with the sky cam.
Finally, some of us needed to head home or otherwise, so we left Jazzerkins and Msdolittle, whom we had bumped into downtown. They continued to search for him after we left. I had an evening event to attend in St. Boniface but received a phone message from Jazzerkins as I was leaving, that Cade had been located on top of the old Free Press Bldg. So at 9:00 PM, on my way home, back downtown I went, to see if I could spot him. I did see lots of crows, but unfortunately, did not see Cade. However, I have just read through the day's posts and am happy to hear that irenekl's daughter located him and that des, susha & TPC were watching him from a parkade downtown.

I'm so glad to hear that he is safe and sound, for now.