Author Topic: Radisson - 2011 / Ivy & Princess  (Read 615434 times)

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Offline Doreen

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2406 on: July 06, 2011, 07:27 »
Very glad Cade is safe and was spotted this morning.  :D

Beatrix stay put please you need to get more power in those wings.

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2405 on: July 06, 2011, 07:01 »
BTW, I just spoke with des on the phone and Cade is still on the top of the old Free Press Bldg., where he seems to have spent the night. :)

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2404 on: July 06, 2011, 06:58 »
good to know she is still there Kinderchick.
Bea's still on the corner of the nestbox and I hope she stays put today. I don't think she looks ready to go at all, but TPC would know best. We'll keep you posted! :-*

Offline photosbydennis

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2403 on: July 06, 2011, 06:34 »
A few more photos have been added to the Fyfe Gallery.

Offline deedream

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2402 on: July 06, 2011, 06:10 »
good to know she is still there Kinderchick. Thanks for posting!  I was scared to look. lol Off to work I go. Dont know if I will dare check in from work today or not. Not because I am not allowed but because I get too emotional about these events unfolding. Like last nite when everyone was looking for Cade, I would not have got a thing done at work. lol  As it was I was up way past my bedtime, until midnite in fact. Tired today. Fingers crossed its a good day for all our little juvies!  :D

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2401 on: July 06, 2011, 05:58 »
Bea is sitting on the corner of the nestbox, either looking for her brothers or a food drop! :)

Offline Jazzerkins

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2400 on: July 06, 2011, 05:36 »
Spoke to Des at 5:00 this morning and she is downtown.  She told me Cade is still on the old Free Press Building.  So he got through the night ok.  Hope Bea waits a couple of days to try her first flight!

Offline Jo

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2399 on: July 06, 2011, 05:34 »
Thank you to TPC and the fledge watchers - what a day yesterday was!

This morning Beatrix is perched on the edge of the nest having a preen.

Offline bev.

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2398 on: July 06, 2011, 00:26 »
Thanks for all the reports.

Gal Cade is safe for the night and up high enough. I hope Beatrice waits another day, but she will do what she wants ;D ;D ;D

Offline Ellie

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2397 on: July 05, 2011, 23:58 »
Just read all the posts and so very happy that Cade did so well flying and that he is safe and sound for this evening.  Tomorrow is another day!!!!!!   Great work done by all the fledgewatchers!  Hopefully tomorrow will be a quieter day before it starts up again with "Queen Bea". 

Offline bcbird

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2396 on: July 05, 2011, 23:30 »
What good news, great news!
Third fledge is a winner!  Well done Cade.  

P.S.  Sami I hope you got your cup of tea!

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2395 on: July 05, 2011, 23:29 »
Just got home about an hour ago. What an exciting but exhausting day. Returned to the downtown around 3:30 PM and met up with Saorise, Sami & Jazzerkins a short while later. We sat for awhile on the edge of a cement flower bed, across the street and down a bit from the MTS Centre, so as to have a good view of the nestbox. Chatting away, with binoculars in hand, we really didn't expect much to happen when unexpectedly, along came my step-son & grandson. What a treat it was to introduce them in person to a few of my Forum friends. :)

I really thought that that was going to be the biggest excitement of the afternoon/evening, when no sooner had they left, we looked up at the nestbox and Sami said something like "I think Cade just fledged!" We could hardly believe our eyes! :o And off we were running, attempting to track the direction he was flying in. The chase was on! Of course, in no time, we lost track of him, but managed to follow him in the direction of the Air Canada Bldg.

After walking around and around several blocks, we decided to split up into pairs and went searching the skies from the vantage point of different parkades. From the parkades, it is amazing what one can see. Although we weren't able to spot Cade, we were able to locate a parent circling around over in the direction of an apartment block behind the old Free Press Bldg. So off we went again, in hot pursuit of our newest fledgling. Another hour of searching, left us tired and unable to locate him, although we were in touch with TPC and she was searching the tops of buildings with the sky cam.

Finally, some of us needed to head home or otherwise, so we left Jazzerkins and Msdolittle, whom we had bumped into downtown. They continued to search for him after we left. I had an evening event to attend in St. Boniface but received a phone message from Jazzerkins as I was leaving, that Cade had been located on top of the old Free Press Bldg. So at 9:00 PM, on my way home, back downtown I went, to see if I could spot him. I did see lots of crows, but unfortunately, did not see Cade. However, I have just read through the day's posts and am happy to hear that irenekl's daughter located him and that des, susha & TPC were watching him from a parkade downtown. :D I'm so glad to hear that he is safe and sound, for now. :-*

« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 23:33 by Kinderchick »

Offline sami

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2394 on: July 05, 2011, 23:24 »
Wow! Cade was one busy little bird tonight! And he certainly must be strong! After the distance he went on his first flight, I would have thought he waould be tuckered out and would just settle down someplace for the night. Had we known he was going on another adventure, might have hung around a bit longer. Many thanks to Leanne for spotting him. And a big thank you to Tracy, Susha, and Des for tracking him down and letting us know. Now I feel I can go to bed and the little guy is safe. At least until he tries something else. Tomorrow's fledgewatchers may be busy!

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2393 on: July 05, 2011, 23:00 »
Back from downtown - Susha, Des and I hung out on the Parkade until we were sure he was going to take another stab at flying tonight - now too dark and he'll be there for the night.  Princess was on the Manitoba Hydro sign watching the whole thing, so he was never alone.

Arrived downtown, did the big loop around to see if he was on a building on the northern side of the Loop (square consisting of Ellice-Colony-Broadway-Main) just in case he got that far - we knew he headed out west/northwest.  Couldn't see anything on a couple of good landing spots so continued off the Radisson and as I was walking west along Portage could see Cade on the eastern roof of the Air Canada building.  Watched him from Portage and Donald for awhile, met up with Des, then we moved further west as he started flying back and forth from east to west and back on the rooftop (great practice for him!).  He would disappear and reappear and disappear again.  At which point we literally ran into Susha coming from further west.  So we watched from in front of the MTS Centre for a bit longer until he took off around a corner and we lost sight of him.  We knew he'd gone to the west side of the Air Canada building so off went further west at which point two lovely young biz ladies said "are you Tracy?" and yup, we met up with Leanne and her partner who had spotted him flying across the street to the old Free Press building (sorry, calling it the Manitoba Health building is just going to be confusing  :-\).  We couldn't see him with the stone railing and equipment on the roof so we took our leave from Leanne and partner and we headed over the parkade to get up 7 storeys.  Worked nicely - the Press building is a bit higher but we could see him on one of the cooling towers without difficulty.  So after a little harassment from a couple of juvenile crows (probably the same ones that were harassing Fyfe on Sunday) and some failed attempts to get a little higher, Cade settled down in a spot where he can see the Hydro sign and its semi-attached parent and the nestbox on the Radisson.  Beatrix spent much of the evening on the edge of the box and he was definitely keeping an eye on it/her.

Sun disappeared at about 2200h, and off we trouped to our vehicles, babies in the various beds, fledgewatchers to theirs and fingers crossed for a nice lazy peregrine day tomorrow ...

Offline Leana

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Re: Radisson - 2011 / July
« Reply #2392 on: July 05, 2011, 22:15 »
OK, Bea was on the edge a minute ago and now she's gone.  Please tell me she went under cover to sleep and didn't fly away... :o