Just a couple of informational points for what they are worth ...
We are way too early in the season, even for Rochester, to write Kaver off yet. The winter has been cold, give the guy a chance to get back. And even if Mariah gets "romantic" with the new male, doesn't mean she'll stay with him if Kaver arrives back later - females have abandonned their eggs for old mates.
Young birds do better with experienced birds than when both are young, look at Lucy and Ivy a couple of years ago - they had no idea what the heck they were suppose to do with their eggs. Two years is quite a bit younger than most of our male birds so maybe he just wants company, maybe he's going to give it a go.
Hack-released birds don't usually do any worse than hatched birds - the first few weeks after they are released are dicier, but once they are up and hunting (and yes, they teach themselves quite successfully), they tend to do as well. We hack-released alot of birds in the first half of the Project's history and they did well - ours spread out across the prairies - and Madame, the previous female was a hack-release out of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Keep watching the birdies!