Hey Gang,
Caveat: Phanatics, don't get your hopes up with any of the following ...
Sightings: Dennis Swayze (our official photographer/
PhotosbyDennis) spotted Trey (we think) sitting on one of the small cell antennaes on the Radisson right by the nestbox today as he was driving through. Though it is not proof that renesting will occur, it is one of Trey's favourite spots when they are nesting in the box.
Renesting: IF IT OCCURS, it will take two weeks for Princess to get buns in the box. Keep in mind that they have to do the whole sex thing again (I'm going to go blind again!) and Trey is an experienced older man (no comments about Viagra) so he will do it right and that takes time.
Webcam Locations: We have four cameras installed on the Radisson. One is the spycam - remember the photos of the ledge from above from earlier in the season? Two is the nest ledge cam, the one you all were watching online. Three and four are installed at the nestbox: three is right in the box, four is outside the box looking at the ledge. Cameras three and four are fixed (we can't move them), one and two are remotely controlled.
Webcam Online: IF the birds renest, we will go back online. If they don't, we probably won't. Will let you know if there are any changes to that plan as I get them.
Merlins & Squirrels: LoriAnn - merlins won't eat the squirrels, but they will prevent them from getting anywhere near the nest because they eat the eggs. The chicks are probably too big for a squirrel, but they'd want to prevent them from getting close. And have no fear, your "critters" are still around they are a) just more quiet & invisible than usual and b) have changed their regular routines so as not to attact attention. You should be back to normal about a month after the merlin chicks have fledged.
Mother Hen: used to work in your building in another career incarnation. Great view!