Do we have a confirmation on the birds' identities yet Linderlou?
Yes...I'll have to get band numbers for you, but...
Female is "Red Girl"...Fledged from Harrisburg, PA in 2008. She came on the scene in Feb. 2010 when the resident female disappeared (later found on a rooftop, deceased, I believe)
She and the resident Male, "Caesar" mated and they produced 4 eggs..Unfortunately, nearing hatching, the resident male became harder and harder for her to incubate and there was much discussion as to whether the eggs should be rescued...
Fast forward...eggs never hatched and they were removed...New male on the scene and it turned out to be Caesar's son (hatched in 2006 at this nest~small world. BCAW named him CJ in honor of Caesar and with the cam operator's blessing.)
Both have been positively id'd, viewed on the cam and generally seen daily!!!
(I'm sure all this info is a repeat from last year..