Author Topic: Radisson - 2009 / Trey & Princess  (Read 853571 times)

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Offline Mother Hen

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6351 on: July 02, 2009, 07:12 »
Just before 7 this morning as we were driving to work, two of the babies were sitting on the ledge. No wings flapping but a good sight to see. When I got in and opened my PC now only one is sitting on the ledge.Two others sleeping.

Offline Marie

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6350 on: July 02, 2009, 06:59 »
Good morning all....could this be flight day(sigh).....One sitting on the leadge now facing the nest...good chick..flew back into the nest...maybe time for a nap...Not ready for them to leave yet....OMG  one flew from the vent to the ledge...Phew...thought he was gone.......settle down  little ones.....some wing flapping going on...oh dear..we are close I think

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6349 on: July 02, 2009, 02:30 »
The bird may stay there until almost light, happens frequently.

I'm off to Brandon tomorrow to band the chicks there today and while I don't think the Radisson chicks are quite ready to fledge, if you see one fly off the ledge, post the time and the details here on the Forum.  Pam and Mother Hen will be watching over the chicks and the Forum in my absence - they also have contact numbers in case they are needed.  Just so you know, I will be their first phone call.

If you just can't see all the chicks, see what else has been posted, it may be that they chicks are just sleeping and hard to see.  Chances are someone will be watching the cam if one fledges today, so READ ALL THE POSTS BEFORE YOU PANIC!

I think we have a couple more days yet, so enjoy the chicks while they are still visible folks ...


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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6348 on: July 02, 2009, 02:17 »
2:15 am and he/she is still there

Offline Enraptured

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6347 on: July 02, 2009, 01:53 »
As I sign off for the night, I leave one of the adults (Princess, I think) perched on the corner of the ledge. It's hard to turn off as I'd like to see how long she stays there! She's really looking around and up quite a bit. I wonder if it any leftover security air traffic? There's several helicopter's still surveying following the fireworks here so perhaps in Winnipeg, too? I notice you've still got quite a lot of traffic rolling by under the ledge -- must have been some great celebrations!

Good night to all....and good morning, too! 

Offline Enraptured

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6346 on: July 02, 2009, 01:44 »
The sight of the parent on Trey's point at night is a lovely last view.  I wonder how long they will stay?

I'm curious to know how long the parent will stay too, especially given the age of the chicks now.   It's going on to 45 minutes in a moment.

I think it might be Princess, just by size...

Would the fireworks have put her into greater protective mode, leading to perching with the chicks tonight?

Offline bcbird

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6345 on: July 02, 2009, 01:12 »
The sight of the parent on Trey's point at night is a lovely last view.  I wonder how long they will stay?

Will be here watching while all you banders and observers have your adventures!

Offline Enraptured

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6344 on: July 02, 2009, 01:00 »
Just finished watching Canada Day fireworks here in Victoria, BC, and wanted to do a little night time check in on the chicks and timed it well; one of the parents just flew in, took a look at the chicks, and is now back and perched on the ledge corner. Nice to see him or her there.

It's been a beautiful, hot, not a cloud in the blue sky day today. I hope everyone was as lucky! Happy Canada Day everyone!
...and to our three new Canadian citizens on the ledge!

Offline birdcamfan

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6343 on: July 02, 2009, 00:47 »
Fireworks and street festival were at opposite ends of downtown so there was a lot of traffic clearing the area.

Offline Pchemist

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6342 on: July 02, 2009, 00:32 »
so, all is dark on the ledge and cars continue to drive by (don't you guys sleep in Winnipeg?)

tomorrow we can all watch with an eye towards which names we plan on voting for!  (I hope there is a way to get to the voting without having to read the CBC comments section *shudder*)

sweet dreams!   ;D

Offline allikat

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6341 on: July 01, 2009, 22:05 »
Wow..Dennis.  I think I've run out of words for you.

You just amaze me with your photos.  All I know is, if I have an event, or I know someone who has an event, and wants to hire a talented photographer, I'm callin' on you.  (assuming you are for hire)

Thank you Dennis.  You provide photos that are so amazing, it feels like we are right there every time.

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6340 on: July 01, 2009, 22:00 »
And yes, more photos have been posted.

Offline des

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6339 on: July 01, 2009, 21:50 »
My original observation/question...Perhaps this all happens in South America in out winter and those birds fly north - seems likely - our wintering birds fly south to replace the South American ones that have flown north to warmer climes for their winter.

Nope, the South American birds don't fly up here for the "winter", they stay where they are.  Its just our birds (snowbirds) that invade their territory for 1/2 the year.  Big strain on the environment, stressful on the birds (fortunately no one has territories or chicks to protect) and they just hang out until they prey species who are also down there start to make their way north again .... and we get to go through this all over again  :D
Thank you.  I was working on the idea of their "north" and our birds "south" and was thinking of them just missing each other as they go to and from the central area.  This gives a whole new perspective to checking birds when you travel. 

Offline des

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6338 on: July 01, 2009, 21:44 »
Great to see them together in their chickpile.  The girl seems to be checking around for another food delivery.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Radisson - 2009 / July
« Reply #6337 on: July 01, 2009, 21:44 »
My original observation/question...Perhaps this all happens in South America in out winter and those birds fly north - seems likely - our wintering birds fly south to replace the South American ones that have flown north to warmer climes for their winter.

Nope, the South American birds don't fly up here for the "winter", they stay where they are.  Its just our birds (snowbirds) that invade their territory for 1/2 the year.  Big strain on the environment, stressful on the birds (fortunately no one has territories or chicks to protect) and they just hang out until they prey species who are also down there start to make their way north again .... and we get to go through this all over again  :D