Hey guys, just got back to work after my quick trip to see the goings-on......stood on the corner with msdoolittle for a bit, while others went to check out the Regis hotel roof again, no sign of SIS.

Suddenly TPC walks VERY BRISKLY by us, muttering something about 'On Garry Street' - about 8 of us following behind our 'pied piper'

- we turned the corner to see another group gathered in front of an inset doorway. (Fineline building)
Seems little SIS ended up in the back lane behind the Regis - strolled out into traffic, then back onto the sidewalk, found the nearest 'cubby' like space and planted herself there.
CBC cameraman was there as well as the guy on his bike who first saw SIS playing in the street.
Took about 10 seconds for TPC to get hold of SIS - I tell you that bird is GORGEOUS!!!! -

.......TPC put her gently in a bucket, covered the top with a towel, secured with a rope - and there SIS will stay for the night.
She can't open her wings in the bucket, so no escaping to be done - TPC says she looks just fine but will have her checked out just in case.
TPC plans to put her back tomorrow morning on the WEST NEST - much higher, easy access, etc - TPC figures SIS will start yelling right away so P&T can find her.
Glad I went out!!!