Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota

UND Tower - 2010 / Terminator & Roosevelt

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Did really enjoy all the photos and what excellent pictures ;D  Info on all the sites is welcomed by many! :)

Great news and photos!  They are a beautiful pair!  :-*

The Peregrine Chick:
And here is a another ...

I uploaded some of mine too.
East Grand Forks, Minnesota

The Peregrine Chick:
Here's more info ...

Hi all,

Banding of the peregrine chicks in Grand Forks went very well today. Three chicks were banded, a male named Clifford, and two females, named Lex and Lux. It helps to know University of North Dakota history to appreciate these names! Thanks to Jackie Fallon for heading up the banding team, Laura and Cory for climbing the water tower, and Tim D. for his help in the banding.

I have placed some of my photos online at

I hope doing this quickly will not discourage others from making available their photos as they wish. I hope to put up additional photos of the young as they continue to develop. The images were uploaded at their original size (some after major cropping). Feel free to download and share with anyone interested.

Grand Forks, North Dakota

WOO HOO!!!  Again, thanks for the update!   ;D


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