Manitoba Peregrines > UND, Grand Forks, North Dakota
UND Tower - 2010 / Terminator & Roosevelt
The Peregrine Chick:
Banding took place a couple of days ago - they had three chicks - 1 male (Clifford) and 2 females (Lex & Lux). Have been promised some photos & a link to video ... will post when I receive them.
The Peregrine Chick:
Haven't heard anything but will call my contact ...
Do we have any updated information on this pair? ???
Another article on Terminator and Roosevelt. It sounds as if they may have eggs:
Peregrine falcons return to GF on new water tower — at UND
Their old hangout may be gone, but a pair of peregrine falcons that’s called Grand Forks home every year is back, area birdwatchers say.
Instead of nesting on the old Smiley water tower, torn down in their absence, the falcon named Terminator and her partner of one year, Roosevelt, are now nesting on the UND water tower down the street, birder Dave Lambeth said.
Terminator was spotted in town at the end of March and Roosevelt a couple of weeks ago.
Lambeth hasn’t checked in on the couple but expects that Terminator is laying eggs and may start incubating them this week. In the next few days, he said, birdwatchers will probably see the pair hanging out by their nest box on the tower’s east side.
Peregrine falcons usually have three to four eggs. The birds won’t start sitting on the eggs until the last of the eggs have been laid, Lambeth said, so they may rest outside the nest on occasion.
He cautioned against driving and bird watching.
“The temptation is to try and take a look as you’re driving over the Columbia overpass; I know from personal experience,” he said.
In late May, raptor experts will visit the nest, tag any hatchlings they find and assign them names, Lambeth said. And by mid-July, the young birds will probably be old enough to start prowling the railings on the water tower and practice flying.
Records at the Midwest Peregrine Database indicate that Terminator and Roosevelt had three young in 2009: Ethel, Alice and Smiley. All three reached fledgling stage, when they’re strong enough to fly, but Ethel died, likely when she flew into a power line and got electrocuted.
The status of her siblings is not known.
The Peregrine Chick:
I know the Fargo birds are incubating, would suspect that T2 & Roosevelt are as well or are just about to start. They are an established pair and as I recall, not "slow" about getting started on their families ... or at least she isn't ...
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