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Hi everyoneCan you tell me where I can find the link for the cam. I have been searching and can't seem to find it..ty
Quote from: KDR33 on May 03, 2010, 22:49Does anyone know when our cam is going to be up and running again? I remember reading somewhere that it was broken, but it seems a lot of other clutches have hatched already. I missed the hatching last year, and I don't want to miss it again this year (especially since I've never seen anything hatch... ) Any idea when Princess and Ivy's chicks will hatch? Thanks!Not sure where you would have heard the cameras were broken KDR We have been testing the cameras (they stay in place year-round) and we are upgrading some software but nothing is broken. Our cam doesn't go live until a week or two before hatching and the Radisson hatch date is the approximately the Victoria Day weekend. Last year was an exception as we needed to install a nestbox on the ledge off-camera.If you haven't already see it, you might want to keep an eye on the Peregrine Chick Blog - www.species-at-risk.mb.ca/peregrines/blog - we just post news there. You can also go back through this board - each month is posted separately so they aren't too long and there are lots of neat facts and observations from all sorts of folks who work near the Radisson - along with photos of course.
Does anyone know when our cam is going to be up and running again? I remember reading somewhere that it was broken, but it seems a lot of other clutches have hatched already. I missed the hatching last year, and I don't want to miss it again this year (especially since I've never seen anything hatch... ) Any idea when Princess and Ivy's chicks will hatch? Thanks!
Ivy grew up with Princess ..... he should have known what was coming.
.....maybe Mommy don't make the best wife?
Quote from: bccs on May 06, 2010, 16:10 What ever is Ivy thinking??Maybe wondering why he didn't stay with Jules?
What ever is Ivy thinking??