Okay, y'all know we have 2 males and 2 females by now

Decided against putting them on my hands simply because it was very warm and I didn't want the ink to run.
So the colours for those of you who want to start watching individuals rather than the group .... the tape is on their silver FWS bands which this year are on their right legs.
male 1 - left leg = W over sideways Y (W|*Y); right leg = FWS band & white tape
male 2 - left leg = 10 over X (10/X); right leg = FWS band & yellow tape
female 1 - left leg = O over sideways U (O|*U); right leg = FWS band & red tape
female 2 - left leg = X over sideways Y (X|*Y); right leg = FWS band & green tape
Just so you know, we banded male 1 first, then female 1, then female 2 then male 2.