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Videos: Peregrine Falcons

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The Peregrine Chick:
Video:  The Original Duck Hunters
Run time: 14 minutes, 12 seconds

CAUTION - Ducks die in this video - it's quick and efficient but they do die and a couple die close to the camera/cameraman.  It's not gory, it's just nature being nature.  If you aren't sure you can watch it, wait and see what others say and then make a decision.

This video isn't of peregrines but rather prairie falcons and gyrfalcons hunting mallards in the fields near Calgary.  I decided to try it out here first so that folks wanting to see peregrine videos didn't miss the opportunity to see this, it's an amazing video and peregrines would hunt exactly the same way had they been there to be filmed.

Peregrine defending nest, in wild.


--- Quote from: birdcamfan on March 14, 2011, 09:21 ---Thank you. Beautiful, especially the PF hanging on the wind. We see so much nest box action that it is really cool to see them nesting in the wild; and how wonderful to see something so beautiful from Japan while we ponder the tragedy that is unfolding there.

--- End quote ---

Very well said, Birdcamfam.

Thanks, Cooper.

what a great video, thanks

Yes, great video, Cooper! :D Thanks for posting.


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