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Videos: Peregrine Falcons

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The Peregrine Chick:
Falcon attacks mailman

The bird in Texas could have been a merlin but since they don't make nests of their own they would have needed to use another bird's nest.  Might also have been a Coopers Hawk - they build their own nests in similar kinds of habitat, have a similar profile with falcons, are bigger than Merlins but more streamlined than peregrines.  None of the photos showed the profile well enough nor the markings well enough to be sure.  I think both Merlins and Coopers Hawks go that far south, but I don't know about nesting ... going to have to do some investigating I think ...


--- Quote from: birdcamfan on July 21, 2012, 08:21 ---I don't think that this is a Peregrine as it is nesting in a tree but what a neat story. It's unbelievable how fast these birds dive bomb this guy. I guess they don't like his hat! Thanks for posting this.

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Last year, my son had a similar situation delivering mail in River Heights. He said the bird looked like a falcon, but flew up into a tree. The photo he sent me was forwarded to TPC and she thought it most likely was a merlin. It did look like a falcon. My son has a knack for attracting birds. This year, delivering mail in St James, he was dive bombed by a crow. ;D ;D


--- Quote from: gemcitygemini on July 21, 2012, 05:07 --- ??? I saw this video on CNN site. Appears to be a falcon, but a Peregrine?  ::) 
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I don't think that this is a Peregrine as it is nesting in a tree but what a neat story. It's unbelievable how fast these birds dive bomb this guy. I guess they don't like his hat! Thanks for posting this.

 ??? I saw this video on CNN site. Appears to be a falcon, but a Peregrine?  ::) 

It was a little bit shocking since I don't care to see anything hurt or in pain, but you are right it's nature being nature. Thanks for sharing.


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