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Videos: Peregrine Falcons

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The Peregrine Chick:


--- Quote from: The Peregrine Chick on November 18, 2018, 17:06 ---Set your PVRs folks!

Nova - World's Fastest Animal - The Peregrine Falcon
Wednesday, Nov 21 @ 8pm CST

See the world through the eyes of nature’s fastest animal: the peregrine falcon. Though once perilously endangered in the U.S., this spectacular predator is now thriving again in American cities and on every continent but Antarctica. What is the secret to its predatory prowess? To find out, follow a young family of peregrines in urban Chicago as the chicks hatch and learn from their parents to fly and hunt. And join expert falconer Lloyd Buck as he trains a captive peregrine and puts its hunting skills to the test. What’s the secret behind the peregrine falcon’s blistering speed, able to reach nearly 200 mph?

link to Nova website =

--- End quote ---

T minus 14 hours and counting. Thanks for posting TPC! And on FB...Dennis. Thank you as well!  :) :) :)

The Peregrine Chick:
Set your PVRs folks!

Nova - World's Fastest Animal - The Peregrine Falcon
Wednesday, Nov 21 @ 8pm CST

See the world through the eyes of nature’s fastest animal: the peregrine falcon. Though once perilously endangered in the U.S., this spectacular predator is now thriving again in American cities and on every continent but Antarctica. What is the secret to its predatory prowess? To find out, follow a young family of peregrines in urban Chicago as the chicks hatch and learn from their parents to fly and hunt. And join expert falconer Lloyd Buck as he trains a captive peregrine and puts its hunting skills to the test. What’s the secret behind the peregrine falcon’s blistering speed, able to reach nearly 200 mph?

link to Nova website =

What an amazing video!

The Peregrine Chick:

As you all have heard me say in year's gone by, wetlands and peregrines go together like PB & J.  In Canada, more than 600 species of plants and animals make wetlands their home - more than a few of those are favourite menu items for the peregrines.  No wetlands = a lot fewer peregrines, particularly here in Manitoba!

Speaking of food ( ;D ) here for your viewing pleasure are a couple of peregrines hunting shorebirds at a wetland in Washington State -  

Be impressed, these birds fly very fast so being able to keep them in-frame is fantastic, keeping them in-frame and in-focus is amazing!  



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