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Videos: Peregrine Falcons

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Falconry trains falcons to catch drones

This video from CNN shows how falcons are trained to catch drones.

This was posted on Facebook. That is one bold and fearless pair of pigeons.

The Peregrine Chick:
Apparently the Weather Network ( will shortly have a peregrine video from Edmonton on their website online.  I check and couldn't see anything yet but something to look for if you are visiting TWN.

The Peregrine Chick:
Watch the breathtaking moment a bird of prey kills a duck in mid-air - from the FALCON'S point of view

neat video - only a couple of minutes long

The Peregrine Chick:
Snowy Owl vs Peregrine Falcon

No one gets hurt and the owl is smart, s/he keeps his/her eyes on both birds so s/he doesn't get caught by sneak attack ... great video, wonderful watching the snowy up close and the peregrines are just annoying him in the hopes s/he'll leave ...

Video by Tom Johnson, taken in December 2013 on the New Jersey shoreline ...


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