No, no word on it at all. They are having major challenges with computer systems.
The family is doing great though. Saw a few good feedings today and I think that fourth egg will remain a pillow like last year but hey you never know! The three little ones are all very close in size up to now but one of them is showing signs of being the ring leader already...I bet she's a girl

Today the window washers were on the next building (the condos) again. I was down watching a feeding when one of them came in - he said to me 'oh there are chicks', I said yes 3 of them, isn't it great! He said 'umm I am going to be on a chair washing windows today and last year when they had babies one of them got me in the neck soon as I stepped on the roof'. LOL! Poor guy, he was ashen. I said 'yeah well they are territorial when the babies are born, maybe a helmet would be in order next time'. He walked off looking very uncomfortable.
I did check outside a few times and Marco was on the next ledge watching the guy like a hawk but didn't see any attacks when I was out.