Well of course we had first fledge today while I was on the subway to get there *sigh*, missed the first one again. Number 2 male looks ready to go now too but I had to come home - need to eat

Bayley posted two good pictures of the little fledgling on the CPF site, one of him sitting on the plastic owl on top of the condos and one of him in a tree - where he spent the day and I was down below in a lawn chair in a strangers yard watching him! That's the job the rookies get

He apparently had a nice first flight to some lower condos, when I got there he was perched on the owl and then he jumped down and ran around the roof a bit. Then he came flying through the 2 towers, turned and tried to gain height but missed the ledge and hit the glass - my heart skipped a beat! Two other birds - not sure what kind were on his tail, parents swooped down and drove one into the glass and that one didn't come back up. Our fledgling - I think it is Perry - flew up over the 4 lane traffic and I thought I saw him try to land on a roof but it was full of pigeons. I ran around the building and by that time Bruce had located him in the tree. Two crows were on him and it's the screaming birds that alerted us all to him so we ran over, got permission to enter person's yard and crows fortunately left.
He sat on that branch with his talons clamped to it while 2 jays kept trying to attack him. They harassed him on and off all afternoon while I sat there and kept an eye on him and that's how I left. I think mom knows where he is because I saw her circling way up high in the sky above the tree but he's down too low. Hopefully he will make a move out of there soon as high winds and rain are coming tonight.
The other one will no doubt fledge cause i'm not there now