Author Topic: ON / Etobicoke - Bloor & Islington / 2008-21  (Read 116464 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #260 on: June 09, 2009, 17:23 »
Ok well I just got home and Alison posted my news already.  Here is the background...I was going through the CPF archives a few months ago and came upon an entry back in 2005 where someone realized that Marco was no longer the resident male at Etobicoke but they had no clue who the new guy was so they just kept referring to him as Marco..which I never would have known had I not read back through the history.  There was only that one mention of it and no follow up which is why I was determined to read his bands this year.  some guy brought a ...I dont' even know what you call it, it's used to see stars and planets with and is ten times the thickness of a scope.  We could see everything up there!!

As you can see he's Jack, not Marco but we think Angel is still Angel as she has no bands, never did and she has a distinctive cry that residents there claim is the same.  So we can now call him Jack instead of referring to him as our old boy Marco.  Kind of sad as we will never know what happened to him but kind of exciting that it's been one of the MEC males here the past few years!
« Last Edit: June 09, 2009, 17:34 by carly »

Offline Alison

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #259 on: June 09, 2009, 14:50 »
The male at the Sun Life Building has been identified. From the CPF site today:

Marion Nash Reports:
The watchers just got the band number from the adult male at the Etobicoke Sun Life building and called it into the CPF head office. It turns out to be Jack hatched at the Mississauga Executive Centre nest site in 2002.

Offline bev.

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #258 on: June 09, 2009, 11:59 »
Great carly. Now try and relax. He will get  a meal now
Way to go Mark.
You have a nice glass  of wine when you  finally get  home tonight

Offline Loriann

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #257 on: June 09, 2009, 10:57 »
ok carly.. take this opportunity to BREATH !   lol.. i can hear the 'breathless' right on the screen..

nice catch Mark..   ;D

Offline maggieblue

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #256 on: June 09, 2009, 10:57 »
We got him!!  He jumped down to the terrace and Mark rescued him.  We're going to put him back on the roof in about 15 minutes to join his parents!!
Whoopie Carly  ;D ;D ;D So glad.

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #255 on: June 09, 2009, 10:55 »
We got him!!  He jumped down to the terrace and Mark rescued him.  We're going to put him back on the roof in about 15 minutes to join his parents!!

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #254 on: June 09, 2009, 09:17 »
He left the tree TPC and he was on the roof below my window at work, only 1 story above ground.  And l lost him again now he's gone.  Heard parents freaking out and driving off every bird over on the next condo so they must have him in sight...they're keeping the other 2 on the ledge by feeding them.  Probably til they get this one where he is safe.  Where he last was - was only 1 story up TPC, a small ladder and he'd be easy to grab if someone was so inclined.  We've got the condo people watching in case he comes to ground.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #253 on: June 09, 2009, 08:47 »
He's low in the tree, but if he stays there for any real time, the parents will get to him - probably very early in the day or later in the day when its quiet if they are twitchy about getting too close to the ground.  And if he doesn't fly soon, he'll start calling which is going to get the adults all juiced up about protecting/feeding.  Going to love to hear what happens with this young male until he gets up higher ...

Peregrines often feed on the ground, just tend to do it where its open so they can see what's coming.  And its not that they don't sit in trees, just not what they prefer as our subspecies at least isn't a tree subspecies.  Northern European subspecies will sit and nest in trees as I recall (may have to recheck this one) but the landscape is missing cliffs and the trees are not in a forest environment, more isolated ...  amazing the behavioural diffferences between the subspecies though ...

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #252 on: June 09, 2009, 07:55 »
They wont' feed him there, it's too low.  Unless they fly over and drop a piece of food down there.  But they may try to encourage him up once he recovers a bit.  The flight from the tree probably exhausted him.  And at least now they see him and won't forget him which is what I was worried about.

Offline maggieblue

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #251 on: June 09, 2009, 07:46 »
Isn't it good news though that he is in a place where the adults can easily feed him and keep an eye on him?  Maybe if he gets his strength back he can find a way to get back home.  I still remember the amazing Boomer from Columbus last year who after fledging and hitting a window and ending up low down, somehow recovered by the next day and flew up the 40+ stories to the top of the Rhodes Building! These fledglings can sometimes do absolutely amazing things.  ;D

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #250 on: June 09, 2009, 07:38 »
Well I got to the yard about 7 am this morning and he was gone.  Did a quick scan and no sign of my guy.  Other 2 still on the ledge getting a good feeding so I thought ok he's got to be around somewhere.

Came to office and did a scan from window with binoculars and found him!  He's on the mezzanine roof - about 1 story off the ground, far too low - right under the nest ledge.  Both parents can see him and he can see them.  He's looking up trying to figure out how the heck he's going to fly up 17 stories of glass to get home. 

Bayley lives in the condos so she's got her eye on him and I'm watching when I can between duties.  If he jumps down we can rescue him which what I"m hoping he does or if he can find the strength...he could fly to a balcony on the condos and balcony hop his way up... god I'm stressed  :P

Offline allikat

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #249 on: June 08, 2009, 19:43 »
Great updates Carly!!!  Very happy to hear that Bev's clapping technique worked out for you  ;)
I think you need to go back there and encourage him to fly out of that tree.
He listened to you so maybe he'll listen again  :P

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #248 on: June 08, 2009, 18:59 »
Just called for an update and holy moly, the little guy that fledged this morning is back on the ledge!!  Not only did he fly around and stay high, he landed on the web cam apparently-Screech took 6 days to manuveour that one last year..this boy is a champ!!  And now he's back on the ledge with his sister eating!  Wow..that's impressive for his first day flying!!

My other boy, still in the tree...

Offline maggieblue

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #247 on: June 08, 2009, 18:32 »
Great report Carly  ;D ;D ;D That poor little guy is really being harassed isn't he? I watched the video on the CPF of the blue jays going after him. Once he has his hunting skills honed I wouldn't want to be a blue jay. :D

Offline carly

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Re: Etobicoke - Sun-Life - 2009 / Jack & Angel
« Reply #246 on: June 08, 2009, 17:09 »
#1 bird still in tree, had a bit of a standoff with a squirrel today.  I went out after work for an hour and Bruce comes running out of the yard he's in and waves me in all panicky and I thought he fell or something.  I get there and he's hissing...well if a falcon hisses..he was opening and closing his beak and the squirrel was acting all territorial with him. 

We used 'Bev's clapping technique to ward off the squirrel..thanks Bev  :-*  So I had a little chat with the lad while I was there, he was pretty wet from our rain too so he was willing to listen or maybe it was the dancing squirrel.  Anyway he had wedged himself into an area where he couldn't spread his wings to fly off so between the squirrel and myself giving him gentle directions and encouragement - I got him to move to a strong limb on the tree where - when he dries off - he will be able to pump his little wings and get some lift and hopefully take off.

Bruce was laughing at me because I was having a conversation with him..but hey he listened  :P  I hope he can make it out okay. 

#2 male did well and landed on another condo parallel to our building..well they just recently put up plastic owls on this building which the parents seemed surprised by.  They spent a good 15 minutes dive bombing the plastic owls because he was too close to them..I was actually afraid they would hurt themselves doing this.  Poor parents, not easy being a peregrine  :(

Not sure if the girl has gone yet, she hadn't when I left 1 hour ago.