#1 bird still in tree, had a bit of a standoff with a squirrel today. I went out after work for an hour and Bruce comes running out of the yard he's in and waves me in all panicky and I thought he fell or something. I get there and he's hissing...well if a falcon hisses..he was opening and closing his beak and the squirrel was acting all territorial with him.
We used 'Bev's clapping technique to ward off the squirrel..thanks Bev

So I had a little chat with the lad while I was there, he was pretty wet from our rain too so he was willing to listen or maybe it was the dancing squirrel. Anyway he had wedged himself into an area where he couldn't spread his wings to fly off so between the squirrel and myself giving him gentle directions and encouragement - I got him to move to a strong limb on the tree where - when he dries off - he will be able to pump his little wings and get some lift and hopefully take off.
Bruce was laughing at me because I was having a conversation with him..but hey he listened

I hope he can make it out okay.
#2 male did well and landed on another condo parallel to our building..well they just recently put up plastic owls on this building which the parents seemed surprised by. They spent a good 15 minutes dive bombing the plastic owls because he was too close to them..I was actually afraid they would hurt themselves doing this. Poor parents, not easy being a peregrine

Not sure if the girl has gone yet, she hadn't when I left 1 hour ago.