Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

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Oh, I hang my head in shame, because I had signed up for this site and didn't get back to do any looking, or reporting.

I did check back over the observation records to see about the adults identity. The female has been at the U of C site since 2006, and has been ID'd as banded at Balzac in 2003.  The male has not yet been ID'd, though by behaviour it is believed to be the same male as last year.

My apologies for not following up on this site.  

The Peregrine Chick:
Anyone know who the adults are??

AnimalLover, thanks for posting the link to this webcam, with sound, no less! :D I will be in Calgary next weekend so may see if I can take a look at the nestbox in person! 8) Also, thanks for posting the link to the Home Page, rcf! :D

Here's the link to Craigie Hall Peregrine Falcon Home page


Looks like there are three almost ready to fledge. :)


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