Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

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I e-mailed a lady from the Peregrine Falcon Home Page about the adults and she replied to me.  I was hoping for a little more, but who am I........ just a crazy Falcon Phanatic  :D

It's always nice and gratifying to hear from people outside the campus and Alberta re the falcons.

The adult female is the same one we've had for several years now (as mentioned in my web page), and she was initially bred in Balzac (close to Calgary), which has a breeding facility. The male has not yet been identified (this is harder than people realize, as you might know). The young ones are very keen right now - if you do watch the video and put up the sound, they are very vocal and one or more pick away at the camera and the loudspeaker, so I am always anxious if they will completely cut us off one day. I have had to re-adjust the camera a couple of times already, and hope that next year we'll have better equipment. We had to scramble this year to get something in place before they arrived, and got used stuff  from all over.

Our ledge is very out-of-the-way, but I have access to it via a mechanical room adjacent to it. The public can't get close at all, but there are vantage points from various bldgs. and windows.

Next major step: first flights next week - a very tense time for me, as last year we lost the female due to an accident. Hopefully this year will be better. The larger (slightly) of the 3 chicks is the female, and the boys tend to hang out together.
Have fun on your side there too!!

I love what I do, even after so many years!


This guy kept going back and forth, one end to the other. He was actually airborne going across.


Great captures kittenface    8)

Feeding frienzy going on right now ;D


This is all I could find about adults.

The female band revealed that this peregrine was banded at Balzac as a chick in 2003, therefore making her a mature, and hopefully, fertile, female. The male, who was in the vicinity, was not able to be identified. The 'mom' has been the same one since 2006


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