Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

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Apparently this webcam is temporarily down, due to technical difficulties. They are working on getting it up and running asap. According to the chat board, neither chick had fledged prior to the webcam going down this morning.

Neither of these 2 have fledged yet. Maybe tomorrow? :-\

Wow! Are these 2 ever getting big! :o Only a few more days till fledging begins.

The Peregrine Chick:
All our chicks seem to be fledging younger, they are smaller so that's not surprising or a problem.  What is interesting is that our smaller females are fledging only a couple of days after their brothers.  Hurricane fledged first - a day before Chinook and I think there was one, maybe two days before Mistral ... (I'll try to remember to check) ...  used to have about a week between males and females as I recall ...


--- Quote from: bcbird on June 30, 2011, 23:51 ---TPC,  has there been a change over the years at the Radisson, then?
--- End quote ---

I was wondering the same thing, bcbird. I was thinking that perhaps our females at the Radisson are fledging earlier because there have been so many more males at the Radisson these past few years in comparison to this nest site with only 2 birds, 1 male, 1 female. I wonder if that's what makes the difference?  ??? TPC would likely know. :-*


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