Other Peregrine Projects > Canadian Peregrines

AB / Calgary - U of Calgary - 2009-16

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Thanks for the video of Bert fleding. It seemed like he had to talk himself into going before taking flight. He seemed to have no problems once he was airborne. Hope that Allie will be lucky on her 3rd attempt. Keep us informed.

It seems that Allie needed to be rescued from the ground a 2nd time. It had been raining hard and she was apparently looking for shelter so dropped down into a doorway at ground level. She was checked out and returned to the nestbox shortly after that. :)


--- Quote from: Kinderchick on July 10, 2011, 20:58 ---Here is a link to Bert's fledging video, for anyone interested...

--- End quote ---

Great video Kinderchick. ;D

It seems that the female (Allie) at this site didn't want to  be left behind, alone in the nesbox. So yesterday afternoon, at approx. 1:40 Calgary, just 3 hrs. after Bert fledged, she decided to "fly the coop". ::) After some searching, she was found on a ground level area near the Law Bldg., captured, checked out and since she did not appear to be injured, was placed on a lower roof near her nestbox. This morning, the 2 were reported to be doing well, still where they were yesterday and vocally strong. Parents are nearby watching over them. :D

The male peregrine falcon (Bert) at this nestsite fledged this morning around 10:25 Calgary time. Same day as Bea at the Radisson! :D Wouldn't it be great if these 2 got together some day? Just never know. ;) Apparently, Bert had a wonderful first flight, fledging to the Law Library Bldg., not far from the building where the nestbox is located.

Here is a link to Bert's fledging video, for anyone interested...


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