I read your posts last night but was very tired so I am replying now and then back to bed. For some reason I am not sleeping.
I was down there with Peter watching everything tonight. You probably had a better view than me. Next year I might splurge for an air card so I can take a computer with me. They are expensive though.
She looked so stately form the parkade so I can only imagine what you you were seeing.
Another forum took some great shots so I will share them with you later.
She did a lot of preening and readying herself for migration. When she turned in on the perch we could not see much.
I thought I had missed her fly off when she disappeared as I could not see her inside the nest box. Then voila , there she is again. she was inside for quite awhile.
There were window washers kitty corner to her. They do wear hard hats

Smart guys. There were also workers on roof of dads building fixing the aerials a bit.
We just stood there and soaked her all in. Neck is kind of sore from using the binoculars most of the night.
Then she came on the front perch, with her chest all stuck out, looking over her territory. Because we humanize a lot, Peter said she was probably still looking to see if dad was really gone. He said , maybe because this is her first time as a mate, she is not used to the fact that he leaves without her. I know this is all instinct, but still, how do we really know. We are not in their minds. No one knows what they really think about. so we are entitled to put our feelings in.

I knew she was getting ready to take off so Peter was ready with the camera. But before she left she went to the right side of the box and pulled some prey out of the corner and tried to get it in her talons. At first it looked like she was going to eat and then I realized what she was doing. She had to steady herself a few times with her wings as she was trying to get the prey to stay whee she wanted it. It was a good size but probably a partial prey. She seemed to have quite a time getting it to stay exactly where she wanted it. she was moving around with it and putting out her wings and then moving some more.This must have been what she did the other night but was much quicker getting it in her talons the other night.
She looked so beautiful with her wings outstretched. She then took off with the prey in her talons. She flew right over us and Peter was a snapping.

She flew over to the top part of the ledge on her building and deposited the prey.
This confused me as she only took a few bites and then catwalked to the corner . She kept looking up as if she wanted to get on the roof. She other was saving this for breakfast or is trying to clean a few things out of the box. She will be here till Christmas if she is trying to do that

She sat there for awhile and then flew off around the corner. Silly us thought she was turning in for the night so we went to check on her but no sign of her. I said to Peter, that the little rascal probably just flew around the building and went back on the top of her building. So we headed back and there she was . On the roof of her building on the opposite corner that faces the Extension building. She was facing in.
Humanizing again, but Peter said it was if she was looking at where she was going to head and was memorizing the direction that Dad took.
After a bit she flew off and we saw her tuck into her ledge for the night.