Author Topic: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson  (Read 240882 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1414 on: October 01, 2008, 18:03 »
Yes it is Radisson  :D  Judging by shear size and the look I got of her before she jumped on the box ledge and started craning her head in and out I'd say it was her.  Honestly in this position it's hard to tell but dad doesn't usually move around that much..he's a much simpler type of guy  :D

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1413 on: October 01, 2008, 18:01 »
The chest is speckled throughout the white. Isn't that Radisson?  

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1412 on: October 01, 2008, 17:59 » head is moving as much as the peregrines!!!  back and forth so i don't miss anything  ;D

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1411 on: October 01, 2008, 17:58 »
Can't see that part of her head either.  I've got 3 cams running Radisson's nestbox up, the panda cam and omg - Sheila is moving, she's hearing something..!!!  2x now she gets up off her eggs and puts her head to them!!!

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1410 on: October 01, 2008, 17:53 »
Can anyone tell if there are any white bits on the top of the head?  Beautiful views in cam 2, but I can't be sure I see the faint crown of Radisson.

Offline maggieblue

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1409 on: October 01, 2008, 17:33 »
Wonderful pictures again.  I always love the ones of them flying  8)

Offline maggieblue

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1408 on: October 01, 2008, 17:30 »
Someone is still in the house, perhaps enjoying that beautiful Edmonton weather.  ;D

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1407 on: October 01, 2008, 17:08 »
Peregrine in the house!!!  6:07 pm EST...who could it be?!!  ;D
« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 17:12 by carly »

Offline bcbird

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1406 on: October 01, 2008, 11:30 »
If anyone was watching her leave , did you see her pick up something from the nest box ??Because she had some prey in her talons while she was flying and had some in her talons when she landed. she proceeded to pick at it but it must  not have had much on it.

If it was one of those nasty things from the box , the smell would have knocked her over ;D ;D

She was outside the box a long while, then hopped in, neither cam 1 or 2 had shots of her actually leaving that I saw.  The view of cam 2 didn't catch her talons before she left, and I can't say I remember anything inside the box the size of the prey your pictures show.  Mind you we used to lose Cassie in that mess, so a pidgeon could have gone undetected by me!

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1405 on: October 01, 2008, 09:47 »
a few more shots(thumbnails)
mom on clinical science

mom on ledge of college plaza(her building)


mom eating

Beautiful mom

mom on other corner of nest building

mom just before she took off

One of the many rabbits as we were walking out of parkade

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1404 on: October 01, 2008, 09:41 »

My transmitter girl(hard to get a good picture of her

transmitter girl



mom backwards

mom , flying off nestbox



mom turning

you can see prey in talons here

mom on far corner of jut of  clinical science with prey

Offline bev.

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1403 on: October 01, 2008, 09:17 »
thanks Carly for reporting about Miss Radisson being there last night and this morning. sure helps me out.

Monday report

We must have just missed dad as when we got down to the site no one was home. I went down stairs for a minute or 2 ;) ;) and when I came back outside I looked up and there was Mom. 

I quickly went back up to our trusty parkade  and Peter was taking a few shots. she was busy preening and looking around.

When we see her looking around we always look in the same direction but could not see  anyone else.

She preened for quite a bit and then she flew out of the nest box to the right and then made a turn and came to the far end of the jut of the clinical science building.
If anyone was watching her leave , did you see her pick up something from the nest box ??Because she had some prey in her talons while she was flying and had some in her talons when she landed. she proceeded to pick at it but it must  not have had much on it.

If it was one of those nasty things from the box , the smell would have knocked her over ;D ;D

Anyway she proceeded to take off again and flew over to  a ledge on her building  facing the parkade. She had some prey stashed there , or dad stashed some there for her.
She ate there for a bit and we just enjoyed the sun and warm evening and the view of Mom. 

When she had her fill she was off again ,  back to the nest box building and perched on the far right corner above the nest box. She stayed there  for a bit and then flew off around behind the heart building. When she reappeared she was over by Newton place stooping pigeons.
We lost track of her after that.. I thought I had a picture of her but it was a pigeon.

Now I will not complain about the sun but it sure plays havoc with the eyes ::) ::)

Peter went down and walked around the area where they go down for the night but no one was there. 
So we walked around the area a bit and then around 7:00pm (which is late for them these days) we went and checked the ledges again and there was mom tucked in for the night.  she was alone and on the side facing Whyte avenue(or University avenue).

Peter and I called it a night . 
I t was good to still see someone home and enjoying the nice weather. Go figure eh!!.  Now we have some decent weather.
 I hope the weather is like this where the kids are and that they are having the time of their lives. 
Pictures in next post.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2008, 09:31 by bev. »

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1402 on: October 01, 2008, 08:13 »
9:13 EST AM and Radisson just flew in, looking inside the box from outside.

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1401 on: September 30, 2008, 17:29 »
6:28 EST and Radisson is home!  Looking quite beautiful I might add  :D

Offline carly

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Re: U of Alberta - 2008 / Damon & Radisson
« Reply #1400 on: September 30, 2008, 16:38 »
Awesome pictures Bev!!!  I couldn't see them at work because they block any photos stored on 'storage' type servers now so all I see is a little box with an x in it.  I came home and ran to my pc so I could see them..hehe!  Really great shots!