Good evening everyone.

Mom is still here . You must have missed her. When I got there she was on College plaza on the north side(in the shade). I only had my small camera tonight so I do not know what turned out.
I watched her for a bit and then had to go and pay to park before I got a ticket

I watched her as I was walking but I knew she would move.
Well on my way back I saw her on the back of the clinical science building facing the road.
By the time I got up top of the parkade, she was in the nest box. She was way in there. I could barely see her head so that was at about 16:40 or 16:45.
She then came out on the inside perch and preened for a bit. She did not stay there too long and then turned to face in. ( At about 16:55.)
I just turned to make sure there were no other falcons around and she was on the outside perch looking out. At about 17:10 or so she flew off and soared above the heart building and then around a bit and then she did her favorite thing. Yup!!! She stooped the pigeons at the Newton Place

they will be glad when she is gone

I am not sure if she got any, but I lost track of her and did not see her again until about 18:45.
Peter had gone down to see if she was tucked in and she was not there. We both looked out by Newton place and sure enough, there she was.
Now, something mighty strange happened. There were 2 falcons. Our sweetheart and a smaller one. But not dad, I am sure.They came very close and she came this way toward us and it veered off to the west. I think it was just one passing through. that will happen at this time of year.Whew!!!
Mom flew up on the aerial on dads building and sat and looked out over the land. I think she was sending a message also.
Stay out of my territory!!! At about 18:55 she dove down and veered off to the south and then flew onto her ledge for the night. Peter went to check and she was there.
There was someone(people someones) on the nestbox ledge at about 18:50. I will mention this to the biologists as I do not want her spooked.
Look how protective I am becoming

You are right . we are having just gorgeous weather right now. this time last week I was wearing my parka and gloves.

We are to have pretty nice weather right through the weekend. it will be a little cooler than the last couple of days but still nice.
Have a nice evening and I will try and get some pictures posted.
See what tomorrow will bring.