Thank you for answering all of my questions, TPC.
Just a few more for clarification... So are you saying that if & when you put out a Newsletter, you would no longer answer any questions that folks might have on your Manitoba Falcon Forum?
No, the forum is for updates, questions, whatever. The newsletters would just be updates. Most folks who follow the peregrines do not visit the Forum. Some are on the CBC falcon cam site, but more just watch the cams and some just rely on the e-updates I send a few times a year. The newsletters would replace the e-updates and would be available to/for everyone and anyone who is interested. It will be another source of information, it won't be replacing anything we already have going.
Would you then be eliminating the "Ask the Peregrine Chick" board? What if folks on the Forum have questions about peregrine falcons other than the Manitoba PF's. Would you answer questions about other Peregrine falcons?
Nope, Forum is for questions. Newsletter is just that, an update, no questions. With the Forum we have one place where folks can ask questions if they need/want to. If folks just want to know what is going on then they have the forum, the blog, the webcam updates (new last year) and if I go ahead with the newsletters, they will have the newsletters as well.
Hope that helps to clear up some of the confusion.