Author Topic: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021  (Read 10732 times)

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Offline Shocka88

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2021, 23:00 »
How elated & emotional to hear of Princess’ return. We were saddened and disappointed when she didn’t return and we never heard of her again. Now we have some closure(I guess you could say) and a happy ending. Thanks for your story of Princess’ return & release. She truly is a matriarch!
« Last Edit: July 14, 2021, 23:05 by Shocka88 »

Offline allikat

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #32 on: July 13, 2021, 22:02 »
Oh my goodness! 
How emotional was that release?!  I couldn’t even imagine.
I will quote The Peregrine Chick and write, “no news is good news” when it comes to peregrines.
In this case, this news is fantastic news!
Our Princess is alive and in great condition, and here?!
That lady is an ambassador for Peregrines!
You go Princess!  Talon pump!!!  ;D

Offline bcbird

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #31 on: July 12, 2021, 13:52 »
Through tears of joy I read your blog about the return of our beloved Princess.

I'm so happy for you, TPC, that you had this intimate experience with Princess.

Thank you for expressing your feelings so poignantly, and for reminding us why Princess is such a rockstar matriarch of the Project.

Offline irenekl

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #30 on: July 11, 2021, 19:25 »
This was thrilling and emotional to read.   I’m kind of stunned.   Wish we could know where she has been.   
Which of course brings Trey to mind.   I thought I saw something posted related to him this spring but when I had time I couldn’t find the post.   Is there anything known about him?

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2021, 14:30 »
Seeing Princess still coming back from migration, which is amazing by the way, makes me wonder if Hurricane is still out there somewhere!  :-*

Just wishful thinking!   :)

Or maybe not ... 😁🤞🏻

Offline RCF

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2021, 13:48 »
Thank you!

Seeing Princess still coming back from migration, which is amazing by the way, makes me wonder if Hurricane is still out there somewhere!  :-*

 Just wishful thinking!   :)

Related  but a little off-topic ...

RCF reminded me of the long overdue need to set up family trees for our most successful and iconic birds - like Princess of course, but others as well.  Hurricane & Phoebe in Brandon were rockstars in their own right - their legacy can be seen across Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Jules and Jolicoeur here in Winnipeg too - the first made it tough for herself by choosing horrible nestsites but still succeeded.  The latter made a "what are you doing?" nestsite into a solid foundation for her dynasty.  And the boys - can't forget the boys ...

So thank you to RCF for reminding me of the need for these - they will take sometime, but I think they might make a nice (if somewhat belated) Christmas gift for all of you who have followed their lives and stories all these years.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2021, 09:43 »
Related  but a little off-topic ...

RCF reminded me of the long overdue need to set up family trees for our most successful and iconic birds - like Princess of course, but others as well.  Hurricane & Phoebe in Brandon were rockstars in their own right - their legacy can be seen across Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Jules and Jolicoeur here in Winnipeg too - the first made it tough for herself by choosing horrible nestsites but still succeeded.  The latter made a "what are you doing?" nestsite into a solid foundation for her dynasty.  And the boys - can't forget the boys ...

So thank you to RCF for reminding me of the need for these - they will take sometime, but I think they might make a nice (if somewhat belated) Christmas gift for all of you who have followed their lives and stories all these years.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2021, 09:22 »
TPC, just read your blog and could not believe it - thrilled and overwhelmed with emotion- Our fabulous Princess alive and well - Thanks to all those who saved her.  :-*  - There may be others who have taken over her domain, but she will always be the Queen of the Radisson.   8)  ;D

This is a copy of Ballywing's post from the 2021 Radisson Board  ~ TPC

Offline photosbydennis

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2021, 07:37 »
Princess…a Special Bird with her Own Gallery.
Only seemed fitting…must say the release was a bit emotional & joyful to see her fly off.
Her Gallery Link can be found here…

Offline MayShowers

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #24 on: July 10, 2021, 19:10 »
That's amazing that Princess came back to us for a visit.  She truly is a remarkable falcon.  So happy especially for you Tracy.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2021, 19:05 »
TPC, thank you for your excellent report. I'm finding the unexpected news and photos of Princess quite emotional.

Know just what you mean Burdi 🥲

Offline burdi

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2021, 17:52 »
TPC, thank you for your excellent report. I'm finding the unexpected news and photos of Princess quite emotional. 

Offline burdi

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2021, 17:16 »
Thank you to everyone involved in the rescue and subsequent care and release of Princess.

Princess, you are so very precious; please stay safe. :-*

Offline carly

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2021, 15:43 »
Oh Princess  :-* :-* :-*    So relieved to hear she's alive and well!  And love your post about her, so right that you and Dennis would be the ones to release her.  May she fly high and stay safe!
« Last Edit: July 10, 2021, 15:49 by carly »

Offline Jazzerkins

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2021, 10:47 »
I am so very happy to hear that Princess is back, even if it is just to visit.  Great news that she is in such good shape, given her age.  What a wonderful experience for you TPC.  I am sure you will treasure the memory.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2021, 08:43 »
We rarely get a chance to see or get news about our retire birds. Seemed kind of fitting that just like Trey, we should get good news about his better half past when we could reasonably expect any news - particularly good news!

Offline GCG

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2021, 08:08 »
 :o This is amazing! Thanks for posting. As I read it, my heart skipped a beat. Princess, our Radisson Royal!  :) :-*

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Offline photosbydennis

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2021, 08:22 »

Out-n-About up-date…Sundance has a new partner who is un-banded and they appear to be doing all the right things !

Offline photosbydennis

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2021, 08:16 »
New Gallery has been created…Out of Towners...Birds from none Specific Locations.

More photos will be added in the days to come.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #10 on: April 15, 2021, 10:44 »
Injured peregrine falcon 'off like a rocket' after recovery, rescuer says
CBC News · Posted: Apr 14, 2021

It was the start of a miserable, snowy April day — but Arcturus the peregrine falcon couldn't believe his luck.  Following nearly a month in captivity, the bird was finally released back into the wild after being nursed back to health. He was found injured in Winnipeg near the end of March.

First thing Monday morning, the bird's rescuers carefully put the box holding him in a field at FortWhyte Alive and opened the door. They watched from a distance as the falcon took a few steps out and looked around.  "It was like [he was] going, 'Is this a joke? Do I get to go now? Is this for real?" Tracy Maconachie, project co-ordinator for Manitoba's Peregrine Falcon Recovery Project, told CBC's Up to Speed host Faith Fundal.  "And then he [was] just off like a rocket."

Arcturus was first spotted on March 19 near the Radisson Hotel in downtown Winnipeg, Maconachie said.  The next day, a small, unbanded male bird was found injured in the same area and brought into the Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.  "The chances of it not being the same bird … [are] pretty slim at that time of the year," she said.

Arcturus had no injuries on his wings — a good sign, Maconachie said — but there was some blood in his mouth, which suggested he had been in a collision.  He also had a sore foot, which presented another concern since peregrine falcons use their feet to pull food apart and feed themselves.  And for some time, he refused to even try to do that, Maconachie said.  "That probably was just him being obstinate about being in care," she said. "Some birds just won't co-operate, and the rehabbers needed to be sure that he could use both feet to feed himself."

Rescuers raced against the clock to get Arcturus healthy enough to be released back into the wild.  The falcon was getting agitated, trying to escape from his enclosures so much that staff worried he would hurt himself if they kept him much longer.  They also knew that if Arcturus wasn't ready to go before the arrival of this week's stormy winter weather, his release would probably be delayed by at least a week.

Finally, he started eating regularly enough that the people taking care of him felt confident he would survive on his own, Maconachie said.  Rehabilitators put a band on him so they would recognize him if he came in again. And they gave him a name they hoped would help him find his way: Arcturus, a navigational star.

And as she stood in the field that morning watching the falcon take flight, Maconachie said she was filled with a familiar feeling.  "It's always the same kind of hopeful enthusiasm to say, 'Please just get well so we can let you go and you can do what you do best, which is be a peregrine,'" she said.  "It would be nice to see what he does. It would be nice to see how he [raises] his young, see how his kids will do."

(there are photos by Dennis in the original story!)

Offline carly

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #9 on: April 13, 2021, 19:53 »
Wonderful news that Arcturus was released.  Stay safe little buddy  :-*

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #8 on: April 12, 2021, 19:58 »

Peregrine Chick Blog - A Snowy Release

From TPC: also posted on the Radisson board.

Offline RCF

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #7 on: April 05, 2021, 16:37 »
Okay - error error error

Not Helen - bird is Sadie, Spencer's & Hart's lone 2019 kid from the Logan nest ...
(Helen's & Sadie's names are side-by-side in my band list.

Apologies folks!

Onward Sadie with some Trey and Princess genes!   8)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #6 on: April 05, 2021, 16:27 »
Okay - error error error

Not Helen - bird is Sadie, Spencer's & Hart's lone 2019 kid from the Logan nest ...
(Helen's & Sadie's names are side-by-side in my band list.

Apologies folks!

Offline RCF

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2021, 16:04 »
Pretty sure I know who the banded bird is - she's a 2019 wild-hatch named Helen.  First time we've seen her since she was banded.  We don't know who her parents are, they were totally uncooperative every time we tried to get IDs on them.

As for the fight - hard to know for sure who the other bird is - pretty sure not Jennifer in Selkirk because Jennifer doesn't have that much rust colour on her breast ... and I don't think Sundance's does either.  Hart's new lady does but it has been pretty quiet out West Wpg way ... will be interesting to see where/if Helen or her rusty competitor end up ...

More Manitoba birds!   8)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2021, 15:48 »
Pretty sure I know who the banded bird is - she's a 2019 wild-hatch named Helen.  First time we've seen her since she was banded.  We don't know who her parents are, they were totally uncooperative every time we tried to get IDs on them.

As for the fight - hard to know for sure who the other bird is - pretty sure not Jennifer in Selkirk because Jennifer doesn't have that much rust colour on her breast ... and I don't think Sundance's does either.  Hart's new lady does but it has been pretty quiet out West Wpg way ... will be interesting to see where/if Helen or her rusty competitor end up ...

Offline RCF

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Re: Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2021, 14:15 »
Not sure where to post this but was there some territorial dispute around your area this spring? Winnipeg/ Selkirk area. I saw a post on FaceBook yesterday with a photo of two falcons in dispute, The black band I could see looks like an M/7? something like that anyway.

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Out-n-About in Manitoba - 2021
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2021, 02:27 »

Not necessarily the most accurate place to post given it touches on all our nestsites, but on the other hand, it is a snap-shot summary - posts with actual details are in the appropriate nest site threads.