Manitoba Peregrines > Bank of the West, Fargo, North Dakota
Fargo - 2019 / Annie & ?
The Peregrine Chick:
Thank you for finding this Alison - I've been keeping an eye for additional information in the media but hadn't found anything!
From July 5, 2019
The four Fargo chicks, two males and two females, were named Zeus, Stormy, Willow and Savanna.
FARGO — At about 5 weeks old, the four peregrine falcon chicks found on top of the Bank of the West tower are expected to begin flying any day now.
Peregrines and their chicks have made the tower their home for almost 20 years, but the four chicks found in mid-June were the first after a two-year absence.
After the chicks, two male and two female, were weighed and banded by regional raptor expert Tim Driscoll, who came to Fargo from Grand Forks, they were ready to be named.
Bank of the West employees were encouraged to suggest names for the chicks, which were then voted on in a two-step process.
More than 45 male and 40 female names were suggested, but after careful deliberation, four were chosen — Zeus, Stormy, Willow and Savanna, the latter of which was chosen to honor Savanna LaFontaine-Greywind, who was murdered in Fargo in August 2017.
Thank you.
The Peregrine Chick:
--- Quote from: Jazzerkins on June 15, 2019, 15:22 ---I clicked on the link but there was no video ??? Do I have to click on something else when the picture of the chick comes up?
--- End quote ---
Actually two clicks :) but here is the direct link to the story -
I clicked on the link but there was no video ??? Do I have to click on something else when the picture of the chick comes up?
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