Manitoba Peregrines > Bank of the West, Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo - 2019 / Annie & ?

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The Peregrine Chick:
The resident female hasn't been identified yet ... there is a chance however that she has a black band.  The folks in ND are working on identifying her but no luck yet.
As for it being Annie, Tim in ND wasn't sure so he sent me a picture and though it isn't clear, because we have photos of band numbers we were able to confirm that Annie is still hanging in down in Fargo - nice to see he's got more chicks too.  He's from Jules' & Beau's first nest together in 2010 which was our first time peregrines had been back to the West Winnipeg territory since the beginning of the Project!

There's a video clip on the link in this tweet if folks are interested !

The peregrines have returned to Fargo, North Dakota, and they have four chicks! I don't know who the resident female is, but it seems that Annie is still the resident male!

June 13, 2019

Peregrine chicks return to Fargo's Bank of the West tower

For the first time in around two years, peregrine falcon chicks have been found in a nest on top of the Bank of the West tower in downtown Fargo.

The four chicks are about two weeks old, according to regional raptor expert Tim Driscoll, who came to Fargo from Grand Forks Thursday, June 13, to put tracking bands on the legs of the birds.

The father is said to be a falcon named Annie, who was mis-banded as female. He is originally from Winnipeg and is around 8 years old, Driscoll said.

Peregrine falcons, which are considered the fastest member of the animal kingdom, have made their home on top of the 122-foot Bank of the West tower since 2001. While making a dive, called a stoop, they can reach speeds in excess of 200 mph, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Driscoll, who is a is licensed bander who’s been following peregrines for more than a decade said banding the birds can help experts keep track of them when they migrate south for the winter.

"If that bird is found dead — heaven forbid — in Texas or Mexico, then we'll know where it went," Driscoll explained.

Banded black/black *C/7, Annie was born in West Winnipeg in 2010. It's good to know he is alive and well.


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