Author Topic: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer  (Read 14963 times)

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #43 on: October 21, 2018, 13:20 »
I am wondering if the chicks at this nest were named? And also whether there are any updates or sightings of them.

The chicks were named as part of a mash-up of name themes we had this year.  Started out the year with 4 peregrines in rehab that might potentially be releaseable this spring so I thought we'd name them after comets/meteors/meteor showers.  In the end, only 2 survived to be releaseable - the first was Lyra who was released during the, wait for it, Lyrid meteor shower.  Second bird decided he didn't want bands or a name and bolted when he was been caught for transport for his release.  Got to give he credit for knowing he was ready to go and wanting to go but it would have been nice to have a band on him.  Oh well, at least he's off and flying.  So names for the Logan chicks - Potter was the name that just appeared for our hand raised chick (the chick who lived and all that) but only if he was a male, which he was.  So what about his brother and sister?  Here's where the mashup came in.  For the boy - Sirius - both a astronomical entity (star) and a Potterverse entity (name of one of Harry Potter's kids).  For the girl - Luna - astronomical (the Moon) and Potterverse (Harry's daughter).  The astronomical associations were ones I already knew but not being so well-versed in the Potterverse I had to do a little research and it just so happened that all the, forgive me, stars aligned on those names.

Last sighting was of Potter and Luna hanging out together near the nestsite and seemingly doing very well.  Interestingly these two fledged at about the same time and found themselves in less than perfect early landing locations but they both managed to get themselves sorted and out of there.  Luna did better, Potter was rescued and returned to the roof and no problems after that.  Sirius was fine after he fledged right up until he collided with a building.  Looked like neurological damage but that seems to have been resolving itself when he died in care.  It might have been he wouldn't have fully recovered but he had been doing better.  Shock is a weird thing, some birds tolerate it better than others.  For Sirius it might have been a blessing - if his condition hadn't resolved itself more - this quality of life would have been so impaired that euthanasia would have been the only humane option.

Hadn't seen either of the adults for at least a couple of months until this week when I'm pretty sure it was Hart in the Radisson nestbox looking way to comfortable for Pip (pretty sure it was Pip) to tolerate.  Can't say that the boys were fighting off camera, there was just a couple of visits on a single day, and Hart has been last to leave for a number of years and it isn't unusual to see him at the Radisson before he goes.  I don't think he was expecting Pip to still be around though.  Interesting to see the kid chasing his dad out of the former's nestbox where the latter hatched years before.   ;D

Offline Alison

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #42 on: October 20, 2018, 10:50 »
I am wondering if the chicks at this nest were named? And also whether there are any updates or sightings of them.

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #40 on: July 24, 2018, 20:19 »
She is a beautiful falcon!

Offline burdi

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #39 on: July 23, 2018, 22:55 »
It’s really good to know the remaining three chicks are doing well. Thank you for the update, TPC.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #38 on: July 23, 2018, 18:51 »
Lovely photos RCF!

Offline kekes

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2018, 17:42 »
OMG Spencer is stunning!  Thank you Dennis! ;D

Offline RCF

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #36 on: July 23, 2018, 16:58 »
Thanks for sharing Dennis!

Spencer then & now.

She's lovely!  Here is Spencer just after she fledged.

« Last Edit: July 23, 2018, 18:36 by RCF »

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #35 on: July 23, 2018, 16:45 »
TPC, did you ever hear much back regarding the transmitter project? Are they still tracking them? Are the transmitters still working? Do you have any information on the other transmitter birds? I don't expect an answer on this anytime soon, but when you have some time...

The only two birds left with transmitters as of this year were Spencer and Andamooka and both transmitters were working until this spring.  A couple of years ago, Kelly was around and she still had her transmitter but it had given up transmitting by that point.  We know of no other Manitoba birds with transmitters - functioning or otherwise - and haven't had any reports of birds with transmitters sighted or nesting elsewhere.  There were I believe only 5 birds that we can confirm survived their first year - Lily, Juliet, Kelly, Spencer and Andamooka (all females note).  I'm sorry I don't know the exact number of birds that had transmitters deployed but I think I remember the survival rate was the same as for birds without transmitters .... remember, mortality in the first year is 5-7 out of every 10.  I will however see if I can check those numbers and post here.

Offline dupre501

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #34 on: July 23, 2018, 12:51 »
Nice photos Dennis!

TPC, did you ever hear much back regarding the transmitter project? Are they still tracking them? Are the transmitters still working? Do you have any information on the other transmitter birds? I don't expect an answer on this anytime soon, but when you have some time...

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #33 on: July 23, 2018, 07:12 »
Spencer then & now.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2018, 19:40 »
Yes, there are three chicks at Logan.

Logan has been a busy site since the last post ... I'm afraid, without apologies, we were too busy and too day-by-day to post as we went along.  We really had no idea how it would turn out and we just needed to keep working on it/at it and knew we could tell the story afterwards.

The short version of the story is that 4 eggs hatched, chicks 1 and 2 okay from the start, chick 3 died, chick 4 almost died but didn't.  All three chicks and are all doing well now and knock-on-wood, they will continue to do fine right through fledging and migrating out of town!!

Longer version of the story with great photos will be finished shortly and I will post the link to the blog as soon as it is published!

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #30 on: July 04, 2018, 13:05 »
Spencer's and Hart's chicks 1 and 2 hatched on Sunday the 24th and chick 3 hatched on Monday the 25th but died (not enough, maybe not any, food) on the 25th not long after we retrieved him/her.  Since then Spencer has been a good protective mom (rain doesn't faze her in the least) but she is a bit stingy at mealtimes (amount of food) which for chicks is not generally a good thing. Hart's not used to getting near the kids to feed them when they are young, that was always Joli's domain.  Each pair is different so we are hoping that we are starting to see Hart get in there to be more hands-on at meal times even though the chicks are young and that his presence/influence/participation will help encourage Spencer to feed more (either in amounts or in frequency).  The chicks seem to be progressing, perhaps not as fast or as fat as we have seen under the care of other moms - Princess, Joli, Jules and Beatrix most notably.  I should say that Spencer perhaps comes by it naturally - Hurricane was a bit of a light feeder when she started out too as I recall but she had Brooklyn as a mate and RCF can confirm but my memories of them in their early years (and maybe later years together too) was that they shared a lot more of the early chick-raising of duties right from the start than say other pairs.

Offline bev.

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #29 on: June 29, 2018, 22:39 »
awe, this  is  so common with first time moms
so sorry

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2018, 12:49 »
Awe that is so sad to hear - hopefully instincts will kick in soon. :'(

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #24 on: May 26, 2018, 17:50 »
Thanks for keeping us updated on the Logan puzzle, TPC.

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2018, 17:01 »
one never knows, with these falcons.

Offline burdi

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2018, 01:48 »
Okay then, thank you for the extra info, TPC.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2018, 00:14 »
TPC, I've been wondering what could have happened at Logan ever since reading your latest tweet, and I can't help worrying about Faith. :(  Hopefully she is okay, as there are several possibilities, of course ... along with a good possibility that a fight occurred between Spencer and Faith, though I also wonder if Ella and Faith finished their fight off cam, and if Hart was then left available for Spencer (if that is Spencer).

It could be any of the above and because they were copulating and hanging out at the box when we saw them the time before last - and last time it was pouring rain. So we have left them alone for the last few days so they will hopefully get into a routine - we have no cams at the moment here so to check on them we have to get close enough to get clear sight lines so we have to be careful both how and when we check on them. We’ll be checking again soon and hopefully we’ll be able to confirm who’s there - Faith or Spencer or Hart or Spencer’s mate Loki or ??  As for Faith we have had no reports of injured birds or deaths and we saw her a couple of weeks after the fight so she looked to be in perfect health so she may just have pushed out or she could have been put off Hart when she lost Ty to Ella. We will be keeping a close eye on Logan and of course we’ll be checking for Faith wherever we are as well as on camera and on our travels around the province. Who knows maybe Hart and Faith are keeping a really big secret - not sure how likely that might be but this spring anything goes ...

Offline burdi

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #19 on: May 23, 2018, 13:33 »
TPC, I've been wondering what could have happened at Logan ever since reading your latest tweet, and I can't help worrying about Faith. :(  Hopefully she is okay, as there are several possibilities, of course ... along with a good possibility that a fight occurred between Spencer and Faith, though I also wonder if Ella and Faith finished their fight off cam, and if Hart was then left available for Spencer (if that is Spencer).

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #15 on: May 13, 2018, 09:25 »
when we had two severe fights  at Bell, it put tour falcon off course fo r 2 weeks.

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #12 on: May 06, 2018, 19:34 »
Joli will always be Dennis' favourite but even at West Winnipeg, Faith would let Dennis photograph her before trying to kill him  ;D

This year she did what Joli used to do for Dennis - glare balefully at him as a warning not to interfere with her nestbox ... he didn't of course, but he did take some amazing photos of her ... this one I liked, in part because of the snow ... in part the "you are here because I tolerate you" stare ...

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2018, 14:44 »
Faith is around and it looks like she is going to forego nesting in the nestbox this year ... we suspect they have chosen another spot but they haven't started incubating yet.  Because this is their first year together and Faith's first on-site, we aren't going to go check where we suspect they are until they start nesting.  Given her fight with Ella, Faith doesn't need more stress until she lays.  When we checked on them, they hadn't started incubating so by next week they definitely should be.  So far so good though.

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2018, 04:24 »
Any news on whether Faith is around and has claimed this site or if Hart has moved on with a new lady love?

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2018, 15:39 »
Thank you for the additional info, TPC. Hopefully Faith and Ella will manage to work things out before any serious injuries occur. I noticed you mentioned Logan had no cams yet (in an earlier post). Are you expecting a cam soon?

We have been viewing on borrowed time I'm afraid and now we are having to replace the viewing equipment and software.  Takes a surprisingly large amount of time to get it set up and working properly (glad Eye-Spy is responsible for that part!).  We had to start with Radisson and then we moved onto Logan.  Radisson has had some hiccups and there is some safety work being done at Logan so we are trying to keep an eye on Faith and Hart without disturbing them.  Doesn't help that Faith is/was all jazzed up about losing the West Wpg nest to Ella!!  Anywho, yes, we hope to have the cameras up and operating again soon but no idea when specifically.  In the meantime it is old school monitoring for us (me, Dennis & Wowser)!  ;D

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #7 on: April 23, 2018, 17:26 »
Thank you for the additional info, TPC. Hopefully Faith and Ella will manage to work things out before any serious injuries occur. I noticed you mentioned Logan had no cams yet (in an earlier post). Are you expecting a cam soon?

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2018, 09:08 »

New females at sites are always a bit twitchy - some latch right onto a box - like Faith when she first arrived, and Beatrix before her and now it seems Ella.  This site was originally settled if you like by Cowboy and Joli's sister Katherine (Kate) but they sidn't nested successfully - maybe not at all since we didn't find eggs or remains of eggs.   Then Joli took over for Kate and Cowboy went back to where he and Kate had been snooping around the year before and presto, we found eggs on concrete.  Eggs most certainly wouldn't have survived there - they would have rolled and cracked and that would have been the end of it - and perhaps that is what happened to Kate the year before.  In any case, we were able to slip a temporary box underneath the eggs and Joli popped into the box as we were leaving and that was that, she had "her spot".  Faith knows the nestsite but she didn't choose the location, this is Hart's home, the same way it was Cowboy's when Joli replaced Kate.  Now we will just have to see what transpires - hopefully all will go well for Hart and Faith.

And the fight with Ella won't have helped things ... the year Beau and Ty fought at West Winnipeg, Beatrix laid 4 eggs but only 2 chicks - for a bird her age, bloodline and past record, only two chicks from 4 eggs was mostly likely a result of stress of territorial conflict even though the actual fight was between Ty and Beau.  This will be Ella's first year and Faith's third, so it will be interesting to see what may be the result.

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2018, 12:48 »
And yes, old-school or not, we have confirmed Hart and Faith by their bands.

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Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2018, 12:46 »
no one here this year.

Oh no, we have birds here - just not sure what's going to happen!  Hart is back - first bird back in fact.  Second bird back was Faith and they have been thick as thieves for a month.  Until she lays an egg however, can't say that she is taking over for Joli because she's also been seen (last time yesterday) at the West Winnipeg nestbox with Ty.  Time will tell ... no cams yet so we've been doing it old school I'm afraid.

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Re: Logan - 2018 / Hart & Spencer
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2018, 13:23 »
no one here this year.

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