Here's a little happy news, or happier news ...
We had a chick go down at another nestsite, not old enough to fledge but about the same body size as the Logan chicks but a few days younger. Unfortunately, we couldn't safely for the adults and chicks at that site, we couldn't put the chick back so we decided to foster the chick with Joli and Hart. Lots of room, playmates, a wickedly protective mom and a dad who's a bad provider and a nestsite that is accessible and safer than others. So after having the chick checked out, we got the tot (big tot) installed at Logan and then we sat down and watched on the cams. Didn't take long for her (we believe) to make friends with her cousins (remember all the chicks in town are cousins one way or another) and after a meal courtesy of Joli, everyone settled down to sleep in a pile last night. This morning, Hart and Joli both fed the chick and the chick did some self-feeding, which the Logan chicks don't do much of if Joli & Hart are willing to feed them (pampered tots

We haven't fostered, or needed to foster chicks, in a number of years - nice to see it working just like I remember it from way back when.
First Logan chick (the male) fledged this morning just after dawn and came back to his cousin just before noon for leftovers. The Logan sisters are off - I believe on the ledge that curves around a corner so I can't follow them on camera. Or they too could have fledged - the Logan chicks are 38-41 days old, so right in the zone for first flights.