I quite like that new nestbox...well, for the birds.
Not sure I would be very comfortable in there....
However, am not a bird searching for a penthouse nestbox. 
Hopefully once the roof work is done we can add a little extra bling to the nest-tray - ideally we would like to provide a bit of a roof - the site is very protected so it rarely needs anything - this spring was weird, the snow was coming from just the right (or from Hart's perspective, wrong) direction. When it rains or is windy and both the Radisson and West Winnipeg box are wet, this one stays dry and it is usually very sheltered from the wind. And don't have to worry about the sun, they only get direct sun first thing in the morning and then not for long. Have to make sure whatever we do, we aren't interfering with rooftop operations though, so we'll see what, if anything, we can do to improve the nest - it may be that except for fluke snow storms, this site needs nothing more.