Well I had a grand time watching the waterfowl on the river in front of my house this weekend. The ice left Friday night, with water running fairly quickly and lots of icebergs and debris flowing along all weekend. But the ducks and geese , all fairly common species, were positively frantic to get things done, that they were bobbing along dodging all the flotsam and jetsom. It was like they didn't know whether to fish or flirt, so they did both at the same time. There were scads of common goldeneye. They were busily diving for food (they have got to be the best "duck divers" around) and at the same time doing this courting ritual where they throw their heads back. Highly entertaining!
I also saw a pair of red-breasted merganser - also pretty birds with crested heads - fishing. The male caught one almost as big as he was. He was having trouble getting it into position to eat. The female offered her help, but he was having nothing doing and swam off with it. I don't know what that greediness will do to their relationship!

And the wood ducks are back too in full breeding plumage.
So the riverfront was just alive with nature's activity and colour!
My yard was buzzing with activity too with flocks of juncos and fox sparrows. The fox sparrows are fun to watch because they do a little flurry of kickin' and jivin' in the leaves on the ground to scare up their food. It was like they were having their own barn dance!
Now I see that I have said not one word here about the HSC peregrines in their own thread. Oops. Please excuse my exuberance.