Author Topic: West Winnipeg - 2009 / Ivy & Jules  (Read 82291 times)

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Offline Liz

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West Winnipeg - 2009 / May
« Reply #322 on: May 22, 2009, 20:36 »
Nope!  And I think ballywing was saying the same thing.  I've seen one sitting in a few places, but have yet to see flight at all.  I guess I'm just spoiled this year because we're so far ahead.  Last year, we were just getting started at this time!  I'm sure (hope) that when the eggs hatch, they'll spend more time at the hotel, and then I'll see them. 

Oops, didn't mean to change the topic of this thread.   

Offline allikat

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« Reply #321 on: May 22, 2009, 20:18 »
That's the hard part..keeping focus on the road  ::)
I usually pull over to watch...but this was so unexpected  :D

(neither one of you have seen P &/or T, fly around downtown?)

Offline Liz

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West Winnipeg - 2009 / May
« Reply #320 on: May 22, 2009, 20:11 »
allikat, I haven't had that experience yet this year.  I'm hoping that once P&T's chicks hatch, they'll go back to the antennas on the Radisson.  I hope you see it again many times over the summer -- just keep one eye on the road! LOL 

Offline ballywing

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« Reply #319 on: May 22, 2009, 20:09 »
I've never seen anybody flying anywhere yet!!  >:(

Offline allikat

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West Winnipeg - 2009 / May
« Reply #318 on: May 22, 2009, 20:06 »
Oh was wonderful.  I've seen them flying around the area... but it's just different when they fly right above you.   ;D

Offline Liz

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West Winnipeg - 2009 / May
« Reply #317 on: May 22, 2009, 19:41 »
On my way home today...not sure if it was Jules or Ivy as I don't know the differences between the color of their breast, but I saw this magnificant bird come out of nowhere and he/she flew right over the traffic...approx.  40 ft above. 
My eyes are green!  ;D  You are SO lucky! 

Offline allikat

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West Winnipeg - 2009 / May
« Reply #316 on: May 22, 2009, 19:25 »
Do to other commitments for the day, I have just loaded some more photos of the West-end Birds...Jules.

Cheers !
I love the shot of Jules where it seems like she's looking right at you, and she probably was.  "I see you there, I'm keeping my eye on you!"
Great photos Dennis...they are so clear and it shows how perfect Jules' feathers are in mid flight!

Offline allikat

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West Winnipeg - 2009 / May
« Reply #315 on: May 22, 2009, 19:21 »
On my way home today...not sure if it was Jules or Ivy as I don't know the differences between the color of their breast, but I saw this magnificant bird come out of nowhere and he/she flew right over the traffic...approx.  40 ft above.  SOOOO  8)
Perhaps it was dinner time  :D

Offline photosbydennis

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West Winnipeg - 2009 / May
« Reply #314 on: May 22, 2009, 18:54 »
Do to other commitments for the day, I have just loaded some more photos of the West-end Birds...Jules.

Cheers !

Offline Linder

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West Winnipeg - 2009 / May
« Reply #313 on: May 21, 2009, 13:19 »
Dennis, absolutely great photos. Are you going to take any of them actually on the eggs?

Offline photosbydennis

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« Reply #312 on: May 21, 2009, 12:49 »
It's likely better that TPC doesn't know just how the photos where obtained... ::) ;)

Offline maggieblue

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« Reply #311 on: May 21, 2009, 09:28 »
Wonderful photos of the west Winnipeg birds as always Dennis.  I hope that you weren't hanging off any rooftops at the time! And those recent photos of the owlets, wow, just spectacular.  ;D

Offline photosbydennis

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« Reply #310 on: May 21, 2009, 08:53 »
A few more photos added to the "New" West-end Gallery.

Offline bccs

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West Winnipeg - 2009 / May
« Reply #309 on: May 21, 2009, 06:58 »
And so, here I stand, sword in one hand, taser in the other. I'm a woman of all ages. Alone, alone, just like Joan d'Arc as she stood on the pile of burning wood.
Confident in my righeousness, head held high, thinking only of the welfare of the ww chicks ( had to bring it back to topic somehow ).

Offline Loriann

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West Winnipeg - 2009 / May
« Reply #308 on: May 21, 2009, 06:51 »
If you offend the 'chick'
you'll feel her 'stick'
otherwise known as her 'hoe'
out of the sandbox you'll 'go'
if you hear a 'beep beep'
you'll know you are in 'deep'
so you'd better scrape and 'bow'
or you'll feel the 'pow'
both friend and 'foe'
and now you 'know'.