Author Topic: West Winnipeg - 2012 / Beau & Jules  (Read 119084 times)

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Offline allikat

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #425 on: December 31, 2012, 18:43 »
All the best to these birds!  We wish them well and safe travel!!!  March will be here before we know it!!!

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #424 on: December 29, 2012, 22:07 »
Good to hear news of the WW girls & McDermot, of course. But very sad to hear of Lilith's death. :'(

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #423 on: December 28, 2012, 15:17 »
Update on the West Winnipeg girls & McDermot ... as of December 19th.

The West Winnipeg girls decided not to migrate far (relatively speaking) this year.  Lilith and Juliet were in Arkansas and Iowa/Illinois back at the end of  October and that is as far as they got.  McDermot had made it to Little Rock, Arkansas before both the girls and was still in the area in October.  I've included some distances here - they are all very very approximate since I don't know exactly where the birds are, I am just using a general area, I could be out by a couple of hundred kms in any direction.  The distances are just to give you a general idea of how far, or not far in this year's case, our birds have gone this winter! 

Lilith however died on November 19th near the wetland where she had been overwintering.  Looks like natural causes according to the local wildlife officials who went to track her down.  The wetland is isolated and behind a bunch of locked gates so a collision with another bird perhaps or with a tree near the wetland (she was found near the base of a cottonwood).  Unlikely it was due to starvation, she was parked at a wetland with prey available, so like the rest of our 2012 deaths, a natural (non-human-related) death.  Too bad, she was a neat bird, lots 'o spunk! 

Juliet is fine however, still near Iowa/Ilinois border and it will be interested to watch her northward progression - I don't know her exact location but she's approximately 1000km away from Winnipeg (Lilith was about 700km further south when she died).  It will be interesting to see when she starts north (if she goes north of course) and where she ends up - a 2011 peregrine with a transmitter spend the summer in the Minot area with a couple of day trips around and about.  Who knows where Juliet may decide to hang out ...

McDermot's transmitter has been providing data, not sure how regularly but we do know that after making it to Little Rock in October, he decided to backtrack and he is currently hanging out in the Memphis, Tennessee area.  That puts him about 600km south of Juliet and about 300km from where Lilith died.  He looks to be doing well though.

The other hacked birds with transmitters are all further south - Texas, Louisiana and Mexico.  Looks like the wild-hatched chicks were rebels this year, which may be a good thing or not, we will just have to wait and see!

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #422 on: October 30, 2012, 00:43 »
One of the West Winnipeg girls is in Arkansas, the other is in Illinois.  See the Radisson thread for more info on our Arkansas tourist :)

Offline dupre501

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #421 on: October 15, 2012, 00:18 »
Thanks for the update on the chicks!

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #420 on: October 13, 2012, 17:28 »
Haven't seen Beaur or Jules out in West Winnipeg for awhile, so assume that they have flown the nestsite so to speak.  Their girls are on their way as well according to their transmitters.  At last report, one was in Iowa, the other just north of Iowa in southern Minnesota.

Offline susha

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #419 on: September 29, 2012, 12:08 »
I love the drama!  McDermot and the twins ;D  Which one will he choose...or will one of them choose him? :-*

Nice to dream of our birds returning to the province of their hatching to settle in and raise their own families :)

Offline birdcamfan

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #418 on: September 29, 2012, 08:06 »
 ;D ;D ;D

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #417 on: September 28, 2012, 15:04 »
What if they show him the hack site.  Would he get fed?

They aren't getting fed anymore at the hack site rather I think they are just hanging out there and near there, not unlike when the resident adults take off for a couple of weeks after the kids are grown and then suddenly reappear at the nestsite for a a week or two before heading off for points south.  

Offline bcbird

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #416 on: September 27, 2012, 21:54 »
What if they show him the hack site.  Would he get fed?

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #415 on: September 27, 2012, 10:37 »
Jules turned up at the Bleachers yesterday in the late afternoon.  Couldn't see Beau so he may be on his way south ...

Also, McDermot from the Radisson has been hanging out with Juliet and Lilith - his transmitter burped up some information last week and obviously our boy is enough of a ladies man at this young age that he has succumbed to siren lure of the WW "chicks".  Ivy had a fling with Jules in his pre-Princess days, who knows we might see McDermot with Juliet or Lilith together in a couple of years if the son is a feather off the old block  ;)

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #414 on: September 23, 2012, 20:16 »
When you look at the building on Google earth, The "south" vs "west" wall is aimed slightly south west. Maybe this is why it seems to look in both directions?!

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #413 on: September 23, 2012, 11:48 »
Somebirdy at the diner this morning at about 8:30 on the "v" facing west.

hey Cooper - the bird was facing west?  there isn't a "v" on the west side of the building ...  ???

You are right, technically, the v is on the south side of the building. However, I see all the letters as I approach from the west (heading east) in the same way as I see all the letters on the east side as I'm heading west. So I tend to think of the lettered sides as east and west. Often the birds are sitting on the east side as the sun comes up in the morning and on the other side soaking up the sun as it sinks in the west.

So my mistake. Although on this particular occasion the bird WAS sitting sideways and facing west. :)

Not a mistake Cooper, just required a clarification ... it also helps to inform how folks view the location.  Good sighting!

Offline Cooper

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #412 on: September 21, 2012, 09:09 »
Somebirdy at the diner this morning at about 8:30 on the "v" facing west.

hey Cooper - the bird was facing west?  there isn't a "v" on the west side of the building ...  ???

You are right, technically, the v is on the south side of the building. However, I see all the letters as I approach from the west (heading east) in the same way as I see all the letters on the east side as I'm heading west. So I tend to think of the lettered sides as east and west. Often the birds are sitting on the east side as the sun comes up in the morning and on the other side soaking up the sun as it sinks in the west.

So my mistake. Although on this particular occasion the bird WAS sitting sideways and facing west. :)

Offline birdcamfan

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2012 / August - December
« Reply #411 on: September 20, 2012, 18:14 »
Yes if they sat sideways. I saw one like that last week on another letter.