Well, this has been the most active day yet. I had to bail early because my hip gave out with all the walking, running (just had to rescue that carcass) and standing. But lots of people to join me - thanks, all of you.
While I was trying to find Vesper (after Gramma had left), I saw her fly from the MTS building towards the Radiss0n and try to make it to the top. She got about half way (that's half way of what I could see of the building above the other rooftops, did a circle, tried again, but didn't have enough room to gain enough altitude so she flew down. It was probably her that the Friesens saw walking the ledge on the other side. I went back to Portage, met the Friesens and while talking to them, saw two falcons, one landing on the MTS building (again, suspect it was Vesper since the boys were to the south and the other falcon went riding thermals, circling up and up into the sky. I saw Princess do that on Monday, so it may have been her. Especially since Trey was back on the east Radisson sign. A couple more rounds didn't show anybody, so I think Vesper was probably still on the MTS building and everybody else was more or less accounted for. And I did miss out on the two fights that the Friesens saw!