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Radisson Peregrines / Re: Radisson - 2024 / Pandemic & Hazel
« Last post by ballywing on July 22, 2024, 11:20 »
Would have been nice for Tot to have a sibling to hang around with, but at lease she is nice & big and healthy!!  :D ;D
Radisson Peregrines / Re: Radisson - 2024 / Pandemic & Hazel
« Last post by The Peregrine Chick on July 22, 2024, 10:23 »
After we switched over to the new view all was working great and Tot was visible and playing around.

No idea if the switchover caused it or if it was just YouTube Live running into a problem, but we lost the feed.

But we are back now - our partners at Rogers got the encoder software working again and we are back up and running.  When/if we do another switchover this year, we'll automatically reboot the system I think, maybe that will reduce the chances we'll have to do it on a weekend!
Radisson Peregrines / Re: Radisson - 2024 / Pandemic & Hazel
« Last post by moka on July 18, 2024, 12:43 »
Thank you for your help, Tracey.  The website managed to send me an email and we've got it all sorted out! :)
Will be nice to see a few pairs nesting in Winnipeg again

It would indeed ... I'm pretty sure Tot will be the only chick I band in Manitoba.  We have a couple of other nests with chicks but they aren't accessible, so unless someone goes down (which I would prefer they didn't) then just the one chick in Manitoba and two distant cousins banded in SK.  Quiet year in one way, but not in others!   Crazy thing is that if Ella and Pip had successfully hatched/raised all four of their eggs on the nestledge, I'd might well of not had ANY chicks to hatch in Manitoba!
Oh, wow.
Any eggs .
Wonder where Pip and Ella are

Haven't been on the roof since we ID'd them but given that Gertrude is only just a year (404 days old as of today) so too young to breed under most circumstances.  Looking at the her, she is still very brown so still young AND we don't see them at the nestbox, they are always perching elsewhere on the building - and for hours - no taking off to hunt and bring food home - and there is lots of food that gets blown off the building - with chicks, prey doesn't last long enough to get blown off.  Based on all these observations, I'm comfortable saying they aren't nesting. 

They both have favourite spots - have only once seen them together which I thought could be a good sign for next year when she is old enough to nest. 

I will be checking the box sometime soon, does mean going out on the roof and I really don't want to disturb them before I have to.  Would be nice to see this site occupied again and I don't know how these two will respond to someone going out on "their" roof.  So playing it by ear and hopefully I can visit when one or both of them are off causing chaos somewhere.
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