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Posting Images on the Forum

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 :'(  sorry I fail to be able to do this...way to complicated...and I don't absorb very well! neither does the Oracle! lol.   and for the last 2 hours....I've done nothing else...time to actually work! lol.

If you wanna see the photo's of the linnies
My best guess would be to say...go visit "myspace"
"facebook" - Holly Sanness

they're all in there.

The Peregrine Chick:
You are using html code again Holly and it doesn't work here.

Just click on the img icon above (its on the second row of buttons, second from the left) then put the URL address between the two img statements.

One more time!  :D

<img src=>

Let's see if this works...I'm thick in the head...yah know!
YES this is my photo!  my birds blah blah blah

 :P  okay I know this works! lol

The Peregrine Chick:
Its okay Holly, here's a little help .... note first that I have changed [] to {} otherwise you can't see the code ...


Your problem here is that you don't have the complete filename - it needs to end with a .jpg or something similar.  Chances are just looking at the filename that you can't just copy the URL address but rather that you need to find the myspace code for linking photos to other sites.  Now I don't use/visit, so this is just what it looks like to me.

{img}http://<img src=""{/img}

HTML codes (i.e. <img src=) doesn't work properly on the majority of the Forum.  What you should have done is just put the URL between the {img} {/img} statements and without the quotation marks.

Here's an example of what code that works looks like:

Last note (and most important) - don't link photos that aren't yours, we don't know where they have come from and we don't know what may be coming with them.  Since the Forum retrieves the information to post it here, the rule is, your photos only.  And that also means that you must have a place to host them as the Forum just doesn't have that kind of space to spare.  If you want to know what is available out there in the ethernet, you can google "photo sharing websites" and it should pull up a list of free and pay-for-use photo sites.  Our folks use photobucket and pbase very successfully and I would recommend both if you are looking.

Let me know if you are still having problems ...


 ???  I'm REALLY bad at "knowing how to post an image" this way....I am so not computer friendly....nor camera savvy...I like birds....So.....
either the pics are showing or they are NOT!  LOL....give me awhile if it's not showing...I'll ask the Oracle at work for help!  D'OH


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