The two in my hand are let say about 3 weeks old. They do completely feather in by one month old. Those are my "poster fids" my 2nd, and 3rd babies hatched at my 2007. "Banjo and Chubby"
I use the alphabet and themes to name my babies. It's an excellent way to keep track. I've gone A-Z and at Q that's a few babies...and lots of hand feeding.

Has anyone named the new fids on the Radisson? What are you going to name them?
I imagine they have to mature a bit before you can tell the sexes?
Linnies definitely don't compare to the Falcons...But, I still LOVE the idea of Falconry and Hawking...that's one of those dream things I wish I could do! but I settle for these little ones instead. And they are NOT considered noisy....unusual...but true!
Maybe I should stick one in my shirt sleeve for the Radisson visit? (not for the falcon, but for us to gander at...since I'm so crappy at posting photos lol)
And hey feathered friends, I even took my Yorkie for a ride on the scooter yesterday, she loved it! a little wind blown, but we were happy! it's always something with me!